Let me second Phil Dooley’s thanks to Jason Major for the link to the Scientific American blog entry. That is the one on the evolution of science journalism and science communication, generally.
The piece begins with a discussion of the ‘phatic’ and the ‘conceptual’ aspects of talking about science. Those areas correspond to the ‘relational’ and ‘informational’ aspects of communication, according to linguists and psychologists, such as Gregory Bateson (Margaret Meade’s husband).
That has been the windmill that I have been tilting at for the past 25 years — trying to draw attention to the ‘relational’ part of communication about science, technology, environment, innovation, etc. You will see it in my piece in the recent ASC newsletter, Scope, ‘What has trust got to do with it?’
I have been urged to write and say / podcast more on the topic. So, I have started a blog — http://expertstatus.wordpress.com/.
Am trying to keep readership in the single figures, though … 😉
Will Rifkin, PhD Director, ALTC New Media for Science Project Administered in the Faculty of Science, UNSW willrifkin@unsw.edu.au / willrifkinphd@gmail.com 0402 612 586 mobile http://will-rifkin-phd.wikispaces.com
On 07/01/2011, at 6:44 PM, <asc-list-request@lists.asc.asn.au> wrote:
3. Re: Topic that might spark some Xmas conversation (Phil Dooley)