Ideas for ASC branch events

ASC branch committees always need good ideas for events. Last December I posted a list of 30 events the branches ran last year and I think it’s worth mentioning some topics which are worth borrowing.

For the latest ideas check the events listing for each branch on the ASC website.

New ideas are very welcome. Email them to me if you don’t have the contact details of your local committee. Or post them on the asc-list.

  • The science of art: a sculptor and science writer explore the links between science and art
  • Discovery After Dark: music and cocktails at CSIRO Discovery Centre (i.e. make use of your local science communication sites – botanic gardens, zoos, museums, university sci-com study centres, etc)
  • How to improvise: active impro(visation) workshop
  • Translating science into action: explores disciplines that help convert science content into community actions
  • Pies at the pub for Pi Day: pies at the pub and maths games and entertainment for Pi Day 22 July
  • Trends in science documentaries: (i.e. what other trends should we explore?)
  • Successful Freelancing for Science Communicators: (I highly recommend this topic)
  • Communicating Climate Change And Other Risky Business: How should we use science to communicate about climate change and other risky environmental issues?
  • Speed networking – like speed dating with science – a social networking opportunity
  • Science of beer and meet other science communication folk: (at a brewery, where else)
  • Science blogging – who and why?: basic intro to science blogging
  • The Dilemmas of Science Reporting: Complexity, risk, and the dissident voice: veracity without complexity, communicating risk and dealing with dissidents – including ourselves
  • Updates on “Inspiring Australia” activities: (i.e. invite your local IA project officer)
  • Evaluating Effectiveness: best practice in evaluating science communication activities
  • Media training workshop: preparing a science research story for the media, case study of website story, examples of over-hyped science stories
  • Video editing workshop: film a simple science demonstration, edit the footage and produce a fun bit of science video.
  • Annual General Meeting and Quiz Night: (e.g. fun following procedures)
  • What do the public really think? public surveys, polls and focus groups
  • Science Centric 2010: massive networking event for those who explain, teach, present, write, blog, twitter, film, illustrate, animate or otherwise communicate science or technology, news, ideas, concepts or research?
  • The Naked (or dressed) Scientist: invite good science communicators who are also science prize winners to reveal their communication insights, methods, inspirations, etc
  • Masterclass on the social media world: (a new and evolving world of communication)
  • End of Year Celebration and lunch with Chief Scientist (as guest speaker)

Jesse Shore
National President

This entry was posted in Branch Notices, Discuss, National by Jesse Shore. Bookmark the permalink.

About Jesse Shore

Jesse Shore is passionate about engaging the community with science and in looking for ways to weave together the arts and sciences. He has been developing science based exhibitions and events since 1984, and was President of the Australian Science Communicators from 2010-2012. His business, Prismatic Sciences, produced five travelling exhibitions for the Royal Australian Chemical Institute for the 2011 International Year of Chemistry and he manages the ongoing national tour. He previously worked at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney as an exhibition project leader and Senior Curator of sciences. While at the museum he was one of the founders of the Ultimo Science Festival, a major National Science Week activity. He is currently collaborating with an artist to create artworks which have a science slant.

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