Request/offer from The Science Picture Company

We just received an interesting request/offer which may appeal to those seeking to get established in their sci-comm careers. It comes from The Science Picture Company, a photolibrary operating in Ireland.

I know nothing about the company other than having had a look at their website. There are a few photolibraries specialising in science related images and they are an evolving part of the visual component of science communication.

The Science Picture Company’s message follows below. Contact Kathryn if you are interested.

Jesse Shore
National President

I work for The Science Picture Company. We are a cutting edge digital illustration and animation studio specializing in all things science. See

We are developing our new blog at the moment and are inviting Science Communication Students to be part of the process (full writing credit given).

Although this isn’t a paid position at the moment the company is expanding quickly, so this may change. We’re very happy to provide recommendations and/or testimonials for successful pieces.

At the moment we are inviting submissions from graduates with a science background (life sciences in particular). Ideally the articles will be 250-700 words and referenced, but most importantly we want our blog to be interesting, visual and share friendly!

(More info: Ideally the articles will be 250-700 words and referenced, but most importantly we want our blog to be interesting, visual and share friendly! So content that is current, accessible to most people and can be illustrated by the images on our website ticks all of the boxes! Articles on how the human condition is influenced are of most interest to us, especially the more quirky and unusual ones! It’s important the articles be written in layman’s terms without excessive use of jargon. In terms of subject area we are open to suggestions and would love to have a wide variety of articles to share.

We do have quite a mix on our website! It isn’t obvious from the categories but the bulk of our work is anatomy based, sports/healthcare a secondary focus. At the moment our company is young and flexible enough to let our designers imaginations run of some sic-fi topics occasionally! )

If you think this may be of interest to any of your members we’d be delighted to hear their ideas / submissions.

Best Regards,
Kathryn Baker
3D Medical Animations & Illustrations | Stock Science Images

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About Jesse Shore

Jesse Shore is passionate about engaging the community with science and in looking for ways to weave together the arts and sciences. He has been developing science based exhibitions and events since 1984, and was President of the Australian Science Communicators from 2010-2012. His business, Prismatic Sciences, produced five travelling exhibitions for the Royal Australian Chemical Institute for the 2011 International Year of Chemistry and he manages the ongoing national tour. He previously worked at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney as an exhibition project leader and Senior Curator of sciences. While at the museum he was one of the founders of the Ultimo Science Festival, a major National Science Week activity. He is currently collaborating with an artist to create artworks which have a science slant.

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