Thank you to ASC President Joan Leach for the January update.
Happy 2015!
Though, from the volume of activity already going on in ASC circles, it very much feels as if the year is more than 1/12th underway. At the start of this year, ASC is forming a new executive as hardworking 2013/2014 executive volunteers take a well-deserved breather. Bianca Nogrady (editing the 2015 edition of Australia’s Best Science Writing) and Niall Byrne (of Science in Public) have joined the executive team. Both have visions of keeping our connections to the science writing and science journalism communities strong and have great ideas for events and future conferences. I’ve already thanked Claire Harris for her fabulous work on behalf of ASC—but again, thank you, Claire. A full roster of the ASC 2015 exec will soon be up on the website, but I wanted to take an early opportunity to welcome Bianca and Niall.
The Australia Day honours list included a science communicator! Congratulations to Professor Mike Gore (CPAS, ANU and Questacon) as he is honoured as an Officer of the Order of Australia. I can’t help but read his citation as a validation of science communication as well as recognition of an eminent and lovely colleague. His citation reads: “For distinguished service to science through a range of public outreach, communication and education initiatives on a national and international level, and as a mentor and role model for young scientists.” He has certainly been an extraordinary mentor and role model for science communicators as well.
Vale Darren Osborne
Sadly, our ASC community lost a colleague and friend early this year. Darren Osborne, who over the years held so many important roles in the science communication community—ABC online news editor, Double Helix Editor, Education manager at the NASA Deep Space Network station, and maybe most importantly, mentor and friend to many a science communicator, died on 23 January. The Australian Science Media Centre has a tribute page for remembering, reflecting, and sharing the loss of a great colleague. Our sympathy to Darren’s family and many friends.