On 9 October 2009 the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR) released one Request for Tender for the provision of a TechNyou Outreach Program (TNYOP) on AustTender, the Australian Government’s central procurement information system.
The Department seeks to engage the successful tenderer to undertake the provision of a TechNyou Outreach Program (TYNOP). The successful tenderer shall provide the means to deliver balanced and factual information on nanotechnology and biotechnology and other enabling technologies to the Australian public. TNYOP is intended to be nationwide in its scope including involvement in the national nano and bio technological events. The successful tenderer will be required and licensed by the Department to use the name and logo of TYNOP for the term of the Contract. The services that must be provided by the successful tenderer include the development and dissemination of information by the successful tenderer to the public relating to issues in Biotechnology and Nano technology (and other enabling technologies).
The Department is seeking to enter into an agreement with the successful tender for a period of eighteen months with an option at the Department’s discretion to extend the contract for up to (2) years in a 12 month period or periods (Extended Term) on the same terms and conditions. The Department’s TNYOP RFT advertised on AusTender invites suitably qualified potential suppliers to submit a tender response to conduct this service.
Potential suppliers must have experience and knowledge of issues concerning Biotechnology and Nanotechnology.
The Department’s TYNOP RFT was published on the AusTender website on 9 October 2009, from which time it remains open for 25 days and closes on 4 November 2009 at 3:00 pm (ACT Local time). Provision of a Tender response will not constitute a guarantee of work, nor can participation in the RFT be used to imply that a business is a supplier to government or has any preferred position.
Tenders must be lodged electronically using AusTender. More information on how to submit a Tender Response for the provision of a TNYOP is available on AusTender (www.tenders.gov.au).