Inspiring Australia – response to the national science communication report
The ASC President and Immediate Past President acknowledge and respond to Senator Carr’s science communication report launched 8 February 2010 Continue reading
The ASC President and Immediate Past President acknowledge and respond to Senator Carr’s science communication report launched 8 February 2010 Continue reading
[ 24 September 2009; 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. ] Join our panel to discuss how research can better inform policy, and the role of science communicators in this process. Continue reading
The National Science Communication Strategy: what it is, why it’s underway now, who’s involved, and the next steps in the process. Continue reading
Submissions for the National Science Communication Strategy are due on 24 August. Read on to find out how to have your say… Continue reading
Draft principles and code of practice for science communication in Australia Continue reading