Dear ASC’ers
Here is a brief rundown on our November biodiversity bulletin.
You can view the full bulletin at
Kind regards,
October saw the launch of the crocheted coral reef, the discovery of science, policy, leadership and action in Wellington, New Zealand, and discussion of the politics of biodiversity in Canberra.
Here’s a taster of what’s on in November:
* The Melbourne performance collective ‘The Masters of Space and Time’ are performing at the Australian Museum: Swamped is a razor-sharp black comedy demonstrating how the universe twists good intentions into disastrous consequences.
* There are more than 25 events taking place around the country over the month including asparagus fern eradication in NSW; biodiversity photography in the Murray Darling; the Dunstan dialogues in SA, discovering Victoria’s marine sanctuaries; and butterfly study in WA.
* And have you visited the biodiversity website lately? You can find out what would you look like as a snail, fish or bat with Monkey Me!
* Next month The Ecological Society of Australia will be holding their annual conference ‘Sustaining biodiversity: the next 50 years’.
Event highlights for the coming months include a Murray Darling photo exhibition in NSW; coming face to face with super crocodilians in the NT; learning about Victoria’s marine parks and sanctuaries and more.
For full details of events and activities near you, visit
The website is open for events, blogs, essays, photos and more. Please use it to promote your own events and ideas. It is the only source of event listings for this bulletin.
We are keen to communicate with anyone with an interest in biodiversity. Please pass this bulletin on to others you think might like to receive it.
Our next bulletin will cover December events.
News Crack Theatre Festival at the Australian Museum
‘When you’re up to your arse in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your original intention was to drain the swamp.’
This November at the Australian Museum in Sydney, performance collective ‘The Masters of Space and Time’ present Swamped, a razor-sharp black comedy demonstrating how the universe twists good intentions into disastrous consequences.
Set in Melbourne in 1866, Swamped is based on the real-life Victorian Acclimatisation Society, a group of academics and landowners dedicated to ‘civilising the savage bush’ by introducing as many European species to Australia as possible.
As the Society prepares to unveil their latest triumphant acquisition at a gala event featuring the cream of 19th century Victorian society, one tiny oversight in their planning triggers a series of increasingly catastrophic disasters.
More details at
And event details at
Take your revenge on Asparagus fern
Asparagus fern (Protasparagus aethiopicus) is the worst noxious weed in the Pittwater local government area. It infests various types of bushland and requires a lot of digging to control as spraying is often impossible.
Rocky Point is on the western shores of Pittwater, NSW, near Elvina Bay and only accessible by water. Join the local bushcare group in their quest to eradicate asparagus fern. Enjoy a free ferry ride and splendid lunch and an opportunity to work in the endangered ecological community of Pittwater spotted gum forest.
More details at
Murray Darling Basin proposed plan
9 & 11 November 2010, Horsham, Echuca, Narrandera & ACT region
To discuss the ‘Guide to the proposed Basin Plan’, the Murray-Darling Basin Authority is holding community information sessions across the Basin and in Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. Senior staff from the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, are also attending to provide information on the Australian Government’s Water for the Future program.
Details of the plan are available at Session times and locations at
The crochet coral reef is now open
In Upwey, in the Dandenong Ranges on the outskirts of Melbourne, you can visit The Melbourne Reef. It’s a fusion of higher mathematics, women’s handicrafts, marine biology and environmental activism. Actually-it’s a crocheted coral reef, with contributions from Melbournians ranging in age from three to 93. See how it has come together on the blog at
Sustaining biodiversity: the next 50 years
Ecological Society of Australia – annual conference 6-10 December 2010, Manning Clark Centre, Australian National University, Canberra
Speakers will set the achievements of the past 50 years of ecology in Australia against the biodiversity challenges that still face us. And we will hear from how biodiversity science can be applied on the ground and can shape biodiversity policy.
For further details see
You can view a range of events happening across the country on the International Year of Biodiversity website –
IYOB 2010 is an initiative of the Council of Australasian Museum Directors (CAMD), funded with assistance from the Science Connections Program within the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research.
Niall Byrne
Science in Public has moved to:
82 Hudsons Road, Spotswood Vic 3015 Our postal address is PO Box 2076 Spotswood VIC 3015 Our landline stays the same – 03 9398 1416 but is currently going straight to messagebank Please use mobiles to contact us during the transition.
Niall’s mobile: 0417 131 977 Sarah’s mobile: 0413 332 489 Twitter scienceinpublic Full contact details at
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