Express your enthusiasm for the world of the web, gain new skills and make a difference to ASC
Location: anywhere in Australia with broadband internet access.
Honorarium: $1000 per annum, with the expectation of being available regularly to provide user and technical support.
The ASC website and email lists are crucial communication channels for the organisation. They present our external profile to the world as well as providing a resource to our members, a network of 400+ professional science and technology communicators across Australia and overseas.
Over recent years the website has been upgraded and improved and the lists maintained thanks to help from committed webmasters. Now, due to family commitments, ASC needs a new webmaster.
The role includes the following activities:
- Providing ongoing technical support and modifications of site structure and content, for example, being able to modify the WordPress theme (eg. updating backgrounds, changing structures like tabs) and managing the creation and amendment of areas on the site (new pages/sections/menu items/images to home page etc.)
- Managing ASC-lists and website user support: assist members to register, manage permissions process and support (eg. password help, pointing list subscribers to help content, promoting some individuals to editors)
- Having time regularly to modify and approve posts, fix small errors in content, manage ongoing amendments, changes, bug fixes and spam
- Reviewing and deciding on updates, plug-in options and security upgrades to ensure the website can keep in top shape (preferably hosting a test server of the site elsewhere so that we don’t bring the live site down when unknown changes are made that break the site)
- Providing advice/input on development directions for the website and associated web projects (with consultants and broader ASC Communication Team as applicable)
- Participating in regular meetings (monthly at this stage) with other members of ASC Communication Team
- Exploring cross-overs with the YourMembership system (later in 2013)
- Briefing the National Executive on issues and upgrades needed as required.
The key selection criteria for this role are:
- Established interest in science communication
- Experience in WordPress, website design, list/email management, wiki development and good practices to ensure the ASC website and ASC-lists are modern and engaging communication platforms
- Experience with servers and technical website development
- Excellent time management skills
- Capacity to commit 15 hours per month to ASC activities.
Applications are invited by email no later than 5 pm on Monday 15 July to the attention of Claire Harris, ASC co-Vice President at:
Please include a brief CV (two pages maximum) and a statement addressing the selection criteria with relevant evidence along with contact details of two professional referees (one page maximum). Applications must be submitted in PDF or Word 2003/2007 format (.doc or .docx). Candidates must be current financial members of ASC.
If you have any technical questions about the role, email Kali Madden, ASC Executive Officer at: