About Karen Pearce

Karen Pearce is a science communicator and editor, specialising in communication about climate change, the environment and natural resource management. Twitter: @bloomcommKP. Web: www.bloomcommunication.com.au

Visual science communicators

A little while ago (read: 12 months) I put a call out for recommendations for visual science communicators – here’s who I found!

Sarah Abbott – Mountain Creek Media | http://www.mountaincreekmedia.com.au/

Biotext | http://biotext.com.au/
Design, publishing – four designers 

Mats Björklund – Magicpics | http://magipics.com.au/index.html
Multimedia, animation, illustration

Samuel Chen – Walking Story | http://www.walkingstory.com.au/
Video, multimedia and more.

Lea Crosswell | leacrozzy@gmail.com 0409 255 691
Design, print

Levent Efe – Medical Illustration Studios | www.leventefe.com.au
Medical illustrations

Eleanor Gates-Stuarthttps://eleanorgatestuart.com/
Art, design, print, production, photography

Elise Hampton | elise.hampton@anu.edu.au
Illustration, design – astronomy, physics

Megan Hele – Megan Hele Design | megan.hele@bigpond.com 0438 022 680
Design, print, illustration – rural and agricultural research experience

Margot Hislop – Mango Science Communication | http://www.mangosciencecommunication.com.au/index.html
Illustration, photography

Kate Hodge – Hodge Environmental | http://www.hodgeenvironmental.com.au/
Print, web, scientific graphics

Peter Humphries | humphries.peter@gmail.com 0415 158 071
Print, web

James Hutson – Bridge 8 | https://bridge8.wordpress.com/
Animations, infographics, illustrations

Bec Jones – Beckon Designs | http://www.beckondesigns.com.au/
Design, production, photography

Russell Kelley | http://russellkelley.info/
Video, motion graphics

Adrian King – Redboat | http://www.redboat.com.au/
Animation, visual effects, video, production. Approved supplier for Australian Government’s Creative and Digital Communications Panel.

Kate Lindsay – Cogency | http://cogency-design.solutions/
Design, print

Kim Lynch – The Reef | http://thereef.com.au/
Websites, digital imaging, illustration

Jon McDonald – Xou Creative | www.xou.com.au
Design, publishing, digital

Stuart McMillenhttp://www.stuartmcmillen.com/en/
Long-form comics inspired by social issues involving science, ecology, sustainability, psychology & economics

Kate Patterson – Medipics and Prose| www.medipicsandprose.com.au
Biomedical animator and visual science communicator

Inga Reineckwww.idee-und-gestalt.com
Science illustration, design

Gudrun Reiss | gudrunreiss@hotmail.com 0416 359 664
Print, design

Tim Smith – Evidently So | http://evidentlyso.com.au/
Data visualisation, print, web

Andreas Wagner – Cool Planet Design | www.coolplanetdesign.com.au
Web, print, design

Mitchell Ward – Rock Lily Design & Consulting | mitchell@rocklilydesign.com.au 0405 712 500
Design, print, web

Tipping point – online climate change science communication resource

If you are involved in the communication of climate change science, you might like to joint Tipping point.

Tipping point is an online community of climate change science communicators. It was established as a both a resource for this community, bringing relevant material together in one accessible place, and as a forum to ‘talk shop’.

What’s on Tipping point?

On Tipping point you will find discussions about topics relevant to communicating climate change science, examples and ideas from members of the community, and links to resources that have been identified by community members. Tipping point is a Ning network.

Who’s on Tipping point?

Tipping point members are communicators who, in the course of their daily work, have to communicate the science of climate change. Tipping point can only be accessed by invitation.

Who’s running Tipping point?

Tipping point is an initiative of Karen Pearce, of Bloom Communication. Karen worked in climate change communication at CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology and the Australian Greenhouse Office (now the Department of Climate Change) before establishing her own business in 2007. Karen continues to work with CSIRO, the Bureau and other government agencies on climate change and natural resource management projects.

If you’d like to join Tipping point follow this link: http://ccsciencecomms.ning.com/?xgi=4KZakxlo5ZUqyb

If you have any queries about Tipping point, don’t hesitate to contact me.



Karen Pearce | Bloom Communication

P: 02 6885 3791 | M: 0402 845 300 | PO Box 1240 Dubbo NSW 2830


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