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Panel – The challenges and needs of urban communities when communicating the science of climate change
Giselle Wilkinson has been a social and environmental activist for other 30 years. She helped to found and shape the Sustainable Living Foundation, a community-based not for profit organisation that informs and inspires the wider community about sustainable living. She is a Director of Safe Climate Australia and is currently facilitating Victoria’s first urban affordable / sustainable co-housing development.
Richard Gilmore is Executive Director of Earthwatch, which is currently running the ClimateWatch program. Prior to joining Earthwatch in 2007, Richard worked at Amcor Recycling where he held a number of roles, most recently as NSW Business Development Manager.
Peta Ashworth is a senior social scientist within CSIRO’s Division of Exploration and Mining. Peta leads a team of social researchers examining stakeholder perceptions to areas of national significance to Australia. Her main research interest has been examining public perceptions to climate change and energy technologies. Her team developed the EnergyMark process of engaging communities in climate change.
Chair: Dr Simon Torok works in communication and marketing for CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research in Melbourne. This involves managing a team of designers and communicators to raise awareness of the division’s climate change research and other marine and atmospheric work.
Panel – The challenges and needs of rural and regional communities when communicating the science of climate change
Leith Boully and her family have an irrigation and dryland farming and grazing property at Dirranbandi in Queensland. She has been involved in natural resource management (particularly water) at local, State and National levels for about 20 years. Leith is passionate about developing the capacity of individuals and communities to participate effectively in these processes. Leith is Chairman Boully Pastoral Co and founding member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Farmers.
Clare Mullen works for the Bureau of Meteorology as a ‘Climate Communicator’, in the Bureau’s National Climate Centre. The Bureau’s mission is to observe and understand Australian weather and climate, and provide meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic services in support of Australia’s national needs and international obligations.
Dr Peter Hayman is the Principal Scientist in Climate Applications at the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) based at the Waite Institute, a position he has held since May 2004. Prior to moving to Adelaide he was coordinator of climate applications for NSW Agriculture. Peter is an agricultural scientist with an interest in applying climate information to dryland and irrigated farming systems. Since the early 1990s he has worked with farmers in managing climate risk on a range of projects in Australia, Cambodia and The Philippines.
Dr Gretta Pecl is a marine ecologist focused on interdisciplinary research to address questions critical to both ecological understanding of our marine systems and sustainable management of resources. She is particularly interested in assessing how the movement and migration of marine species affects their population structure.
Chair: David Salt is a Canberra-based science writer and editor. In years gone by he has set up The Helix magazine for CSIRO and Newton magazine for Australian Geographic. He has co-authored two environmental texts on resilience and agroforestry, and these days works half-time at the Australian National University producing/ Decision Point/, a research magazine on environmental decision theory. His greatest joy is engaging an average Australian with some aspect of complex science.
Panel: Media coverage of the science of climate change – challenges and opportunities
Sarah Clarke is the ABC’s national environment and science correspondent, reporting for both ABC Radio and Television. She has travelled extensively around Australia reporting on the environment and the impacts of the drought and climate change across a number of programs including ABC’s 7pm news, Lateline , 7.30 Report , Foreign Correspondent and across radio news and the ABC’s flagship radio current affairs programs AM , The World Today and PM . (TBC)
Simon Grose is Science Media’s Parliamentary Press Gallery Correspondent and a freelance S&T writer and editor. He joined CSIRO Public Affairs in Canberra in 1988 and from 1990-93 was press secretary to a Federal Minister. >From 1994 to 2002 he was S&T Editor and Computing Editor for The Canberra Times. Since 2002 he has been a contributor to The Canberra Times and other publications including Crikey, Nature Medicine, and Australasian Science.
Assoc. Professor Philip Chubb’s career combines leadership positions in print, television and online media with publishing, business and communications technology. Prior to joining Monash University as Associate Professor in 2008, his industry roles included Melbourne Editor of The National Times, leader writer of The Age and deputy editor of Time Australia; in television he was Executive Producer of The 7.30 Report (Victoria) and National Editor of The 7.30 Report.
Dr Jonathon Howard is a teacher and researcher at Charles Sturt University where his research focuses on water and society- including how people value and use water, and how it is managed. He is currently a Ministerial appointee to the Murray Catchment Authority and chairs its Community and Implementation Committee. He is also on the Executive of the Australian Association for Environmental Education.
Chair: David Ellyard has been active in science communication for nearly 40 years, covering radio and TV, talks, journalism and book writing. He is a former President of the Australian Science Communicators and is currently Treasurer
Jenni Metcalfe
Director Econnect Communication
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