Glimpsing the true nature of quantum reality

21 July 2009
6:30 pmto8:30 pm

Explore the strange and beautiful world of Quantum Mechanics– multiple realities, absolute uncertainty, many-worlds, quantum teleportation, quantum computing, and other generally spooky stuff of the Universe.

Our guide is Professor Lloyd Hollenberg from the Centre for Quantum Computing Technology and quantum theorist in the School of Physics at the University of Melbourne.

No maths required as Lloyd reveals the amazing world of quantum physics and the incredible new technology based on the weird properties of reality itself.

Date:  Tuesday 21 July
Time:  6.30 pm for 7 pm sharp start
Place: Redback Brewery, 75 Flemington Road, North Melbourne
Cost:  Free for members, $10 for non-members, $5 for students
Meals and drinks at bar prices.

RSVP and enquiries to L.E. Ohman

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