communicating in an emotionally charged environment

Tuesday 17 November 2009, 6.45 for 7pm

Bushfire Science: communicating in an emotionally charged environment It is the nature of science to be objective and factual, to provide advice and information dispassionately, and report without personal bias or emotion. But how is science communicated at an emotionally charged time when people are looking for explanations from a subjective and passionate viewpoint? Using the Black Saturday bushfires as a case study, three panellists will discuss the role of scientists, science communicators and the media in communicating science in an emotionally charged environment, and provide an insight into how those caught up in the bushfires viewed the media attention.

The panel will comprise:

– Kevin Hennessy (CSIRO climate scientist who commented widely in the media during the February bushfires, and appeared before the Bushfire Royal Commission) – Steve Varga (Wandong resident who lost his property in the bushfires, narrowly escaping with his life, appeared on SBS Insight and an ABC documentary at – John Ferguson (Herald Sun journalist)

Where: Clare Castle Hotel, 421 Rathdowne St, Carlton (new ASC venue) When: 6.45 for 7pm, Tuesday 17 November 2009 RSVP: to

Free for members, $10 for non-members, $5 for non-member students Meals and drinks at bar prices

Meg Rive | Communication Manager | CSIRO Wealth from Oceans Flagship | P +61 3 9545 8301 (Mon-Tue) | P +61 3 9239 4433 (Wed-Fri) | F +61 3 9239 4444 | M +61 438 007 301 | | Private Bag 1, Aspendale VIC 3195 Australia

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