Programs Coordinator
The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) – rapidly establishing itself as a dynamic, contemporary and accessible national home for science; a place for people to listen, talk, blog, download and think about science in all its shapes and forms – currently has a vacancy for a Programs Coordinator. Passionate about engaging the public with science and technology, you will work on the development and delivery on a broad range of innovative science-communication activities for a variety of audiences. Educated to degree level in a science-related subject and with relevant postgraduate qualifications and/or experience, your knowledge of and passion for science will make you an invaluable member of our small but vibrant Programs team. A detailed job description is available at
Please apply by Friday 17 September (electronically or via hard copy) with a CV and covering letter to: Amanda Tyndall Head of Programs RiAus PO Box 3652 Rundle Mall Adelaide, SA 5000
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