We are pleased to announce yet another endeavour to support those who make science accessible.
ASC have partnered with Media140 to offer FREE tickets to two lucky ASC members at the frontiers event exploring the impact of social technologies on science communication being held in Brisbane next week.
Members who think they would benefit from attending this event are invited to submit a submission to office@asc.asn.au by 7 pm AEST this Sunday 24 April, describing in no more than 50 words what current role or project could use some social media enhancement. Please include a contact phone number and e-mail address so we can notify you if you win.
ASC President Jesse Shore will select two of the entries for free admission to this international and timely event. Winners will be required to write a short article for publication on the ASC web site no more than a month after the event briefly describing their current role or project, what it aims to accomplish, and how the frontiers event contributed to their social media skills, knowledge and/or intentions for future. Good luck!
To check how relevant the event will be for your own explorations and applications of social media to science communication, see the event program here: http://www.amiando.co/media140FrontiersBrisbane.html?page=513990
In addition three full student scholarships were allocated to support the future of science communication in Australia.
The student scholarship recipients are enrolled in “Presenting Science” with lecturer Melanie McKenzie this semester in the Science Communication Program at the University of Queensland.
You can read more about tertiary science communication programs in Australia on our web site here: http://www.asc.asn.au/about/tertiary-programs/
Students still wishing to attend the event are eligible for a 40% discount, and ASC members are still eligible for 10%.
Interested? Register here:
Posted on behalf of Kali Madden, ASC Membership Officer
office [at] asc.asn.au