Official Notice of ASC AGM 2013

This is the official notice of the Australian Science Communicators’ Annual General Meeting, to be held in Canberra, ACT on 29 November 2013.

The AGM is being hosted by the ASC ACT Branch and the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science.

Another year under our belt and ASC moves into its 20th in 2014. Come along to the national AGM and help shape the future of the organisation and have a drink and yummy food with fellow members. Share war stories, successes and get to know others in your network. With some casual entertainment on hand, this is sure to be an enjoyable evening.

When: Friday 29 November 2013 – 5.00pm networking and refreshments for a 6.00pm start to the AGM

Where: Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, ANU


ASC members: free (Only currently financial ASC members are eligible to attend the AGM.)

The AGM is an opportunity for members to hear about the year’s events at the national level, and also to have their say about what should happen in the year to come. It also includes reports from the President and Treasurer.

Members also have the chance to elect a new National President. Proposed agenda items, notices of motion and presidential nominations must be received by Thursday 21 November 2013 and can be sent to Sarah Lau, National Secretary (

Note that notices of motion require a proposer and a seconder, and nominations for President need to be agreed by the nominee.


Members unable to attend the AGM in person are able to give proxies to other members attending the meeting. This means that unless members are at the physical meeting in Canberra or hub point in Perth, you will need to designate a proxy to vote.


To designate your proxy:

  • Download and complete the proxy form, and ensure a copy of this form is with your proxy to take to the AGM (Appointment of Proxy 2013 Online Form)
    • Check one box only for the proposed Constitutional amendment
    • If you do not provide voting instructions in these sections, you authorise the proxy holder to decide how the proxy will vote
    • Notify the National Secretary, Sarah Lau ( – this must be done or the proxy and vote is not considered valid
    • Ensure that the proxy form is completed prior to 4.00pm AEDST on Friday 29 November 2013

Please note that votes will remain confidential at all times. All voting instructions and proxy forms will be collected and destroyed at the conclusion of the AGM.


The following items are current as of 22 November 2013:

part 2

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