Ever wondered why someone else is getting more web hits than you…. or funding…. or press?
Could it have something to do with the way you are marketing your product?
Have you really sat down to think about what your product, your audience, your goal really is?
Here’s your chance to ask an expert!
After graduating with a Master of Business Administration from the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Anthony Katsikas went on to become a lecturer at their School of Marketing.
His knowledge comes backed with 20 years of hands on experience, managing several Global Marketing Organisations, with over 7 years at Vice President, General Manager and Director levels.
His roles have focused on understanding customers and their needs in strategic and tactical marketing terms, developing product & market strategies as well as branding and promotional decisions.
If you are interested in getting a peek into the first principles of Marketing and how they might apply to you, come armed with your questions for a thought provoking and interactive delve into Tony’s world.
Where: Glasshouse, Level 2, City of Sydney RSL, 565 George St, Sydney
When: Monday 30th April, 6.30pm onwards
What: Interactive Intro to Marketing, followed by The biggest snapshot of science engagement in Australia!
Please RSVP to: ascnsw@gmail.com / Rebecca – ASC Committee: 0410 635 083
The biggest snapshot of science engagement in Australia!
How are we engaging people with science in in Australia, and how do we do it better? A way to get answers is to create a high definition picture of science engagement activities in the country.
Jesse Shore will explain this new project to gather information about the who, what, where, when, why and how we communicate science. Then you’ll have your say as you become a focus group to answer the biggest question of the project, which is basically:
What are the critical areas where we need to improve the quantity or quality of science engagement in Australia?
It will be a fast paced session peppered with simpler questions to get the pieces of the big one. Your thoughts will contribute to the success of the rest of the project.
The main tool of the snapshot project is a survey questionnaire to be answered by people and organisations involved in science engagement activities. So bring your ideas about who we should promote the survey to.
The ASC is a partner in this project with Jenni Metcalfe from Econnect and Kristin Alford from Bridge8. ASC members and their colleagues can make a major contribution to greater science engagement in Australia. So come to the session and help shape the future of science communication.