Looking for #scicomm mentors

By Lisa Bailey

It’s 3 Minute Thesis season around the country, and I was thinking that they are chock full of potential ASC members! I’m looking for current ASC members who work in these institutions, or who can attend the 3MT finals public events (or any of the training/heats leading up to them in many cases) to let students know about Australian Science Communicators and encourage them to a branch meeting or event.

Please get in touch with me (LBailey@riaus.org.au) if you are involved in any of these events – I think we can provide a valuable opportunity for students to start developing their own networks beyond Uni, and it would be great to have more students involved in ASC at the branch level. They’re coming up soon! I want to see if I can match a member to each final – the first ones kick off in Newcastle, Wollongong and Sunshine Coast in the next two weeks.  Please get in touch and let me know if you can help out and provide some support and encouragement.

Australian Capital Territory

Australian National University – ANU final at 6pm, 6 September Llewellyn Hall, ANU
University of Canberra – UC 3MT Final will be held on Wednesday 30 August from 6.30-8.00pm at UC


New South Wales

Macquarie University – Enquiries to Florence Chiew florence.chiew@mq.edu.au
Southern Cross University

  • School Finals: no later than 21 August
  • SCU Finals: TBC (week beginning 28 August)

University of New England
University of New South Wales – Final 13 September 4.30pm to 7.30pm Leighton Hall, Scientia
University of Newcastle – 12 July from 4.00pm in lecture theatre CT202, Callaghan Campus
University of Sydney – August (exact date to be confirmed)
University of Technology Sydney – Tuesday, 29 August at Aerial Function Centre, UTS
University of Wollongong – Friday July 21st, from 5.30-7.30pm, Building 67.107
Western Sydney University – Friday, 18 August, from 2.00-4.00pm, The Playhouse (Building D), Kingswood Campus


Northern Territory

Charles Darwin University – Friday 8 September



Griffith University – Wednesday 6 September
James Cook University – Tuesday 13 September
Queensland University of Technology – Wednesday 6 September
The University of Queensland (founding institution) – Wednesday 13 September
University of the Sunshine Coast – Thursday 13 July


South Australia

Flinders University – Semi-Final on 27 July
University of Adelaide – Faculty finals July/August. Uni final Tuesday 12 September
University of South Australia – 24 August



University of Tasmania – Friday 8 September from 2.30-4.00pm in the Stanley Burbury Lecture Theatre, Sandy Bay Campus



Deakin University – 3pm on 2 August at The Burwood Corporate Centre – Level 2 Building BC Melbourne Burwood campus
Federation University Australia
La Trobe University – Wednesday 30 August
Monash University – Thursday 10 August
RMIT University – Contact research.ed@rmit.edu.au dates TBC
Swinburne University
University of Melbourne – 2.00pm – 4.00pm Thursday 7 September
Victoria University – 3MT@vu.edu.au.


Western Australia

Curtin University – Friday 15 September
Edith Cowan University – Friday 22 September, 2.00pm – 4.30pm Joondalup campus 7.102
Murdoch University
University of Western Australia – Thursday 7 September

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