We start this issue of SCOPE with a huge thank you to the membership for your continued support and our re-election into the Co-President role. We’re a little daunted by the list of things we’re tackling over the next 12 months, but we are excited by the challenge and the potential for success. A bit thank you also to Jen (VP), Cass (Treasurer), Ruby (co-secretary) and Kate (co-secretary) who put their hands up to be on the National Committee. We’re really excited with what this team has to offer, and feel privileged to have their expertise, willingness and support.
Also at the AGM we farewelled Kali Madden and thanked her for her years of service to the ASC. We are looking forward to having the opportunity to properly embarrass her at the conference in February. Get your stories and photos ready! We also held the inaugural Honours & Masters Research Symposium and Careers Night. The talks will be online soon for anyone who wasn’t able to attend.
Along with early-bird tickets being available now until 31 December, we are pleased to share that abstract submissions for the ASC conference are open. The link to tickets and abstract submissions can be found on the conference page, along with the timeline for when early bird and hybrid tickets run out. We understand that it is a busy time of year, but we do ask that for anyone who is considering presenting a case study, some research, or something else, to please fill in the form as soon as practical.