ASC QLD Social Drinks – 16 April

New to science communication? Been out of the ASC loop for a while? Old hat?

Well this event is for you!

Meet some other locals who are interested in science communication, access some bloody good beer and wine, and say hello to this year’s committee. All are welcome.

When: 5:30pm onwards, Wednesday 16th April, 2014.
Where: Hoo Ha Bar, 41 Tribune St, South Brisbane.
Cost: Free. RSVP not necessary, but we’d love to hear if you’re planning to come. (Email or join the event on Facebook)
Refreshments: Drinks and food will be available at bar prices.

South East Queensland AGM 2014

27 February 2014
6:00 pmto7:00 pm
6:00 pmto7:00 pm

Save the date!

The south east Queensland AGM will be happening 27 Feb 2014.

Time: 6-7pm

Venue: TBC in South Brisbane or West End

RSVP and suggestions:

Please watch this space for further details.

National AGM and Trivia Night

27 November 2012
6:00 pmto10:00 pm
6:00 pmto10:00 pm

Think you could out-fact Dr Karl? Then show off your skills at our Science Trivia Night.

Organise a table of friends or team up with others on the night. Hosted by science all-rounder David Ellyard the night will be a great way to meet like minded people and exercise the brain.

ASC members are also encouraged to attend the National AGM which will be held before the Trivia, to share their ideas on organising the next ASC conference to be held in Brisbane in 2014 and to elect a new president.

What: Science Trivia Night and National AGM
When: Tuesday 27th November, AGM will run from 6-7pm. Trivia will kick off at 7:30pm
Where: Ship Inn, Southbank
Cost: ASC members free, Non-members $10, Non-member students $5
Bookings:  Please book your tickets at

What bugs you?

26 September 2012
6:00 pmto7:30 pm

Ever wanted to be a discoverer or name something? Then entomology may be the profession for you given only an estimated third of all insects in Australia have been classified so far.

At this month’s South East Queensland get-together Geoff Thompson one of Australia’s few specialist insect illustrators talks to us about the field and his work as an insect collector, museum curator and illustrator/photographer.

What: ASC SEQ get-together
When: Wednesday 26th September, 6-7:30pm
Where: QPAC cafe, South Brisbane
Cost: Free

Social media workshop – Brisbane event

22 May 2012
6:00 pmto7:00 pm

Science-­‐connect a FREE workshop on science communication through social media
Are you interested in using social media to communicate science?

Is social media part of your job as a science communicator?

Come along to the Science-­‐connect workshop and learn more about:

  • Applying social media in science communication
  • Engaging and keeping the attention of your target audience
  • Determining if your social media applications are effective

Receive feedback on your use of social media applications from experts in the field:

  • Paul Goldston from Reload Media (
  • Elliot Franks from the social media research team at Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (formerly DEEDI)

When: Tuesday 22 May, 6-7:00pm, before The Big Snapshot of Australian Science Engagement
Where: The Story Bridge Hotel, Kangaroo Point
Entry: Free. Drinks and finger foods provided

For all enquiries please email:

Queensland science communicators, we want you!

22 May 2012
6:00 pmto8:30 pm

The Big Snapshot of Australian Science Engagement – Brisbane Event

How are we engaging people with science in Australia, and how do we do it better?

The ASC with Bridge8 and Econnect Communication are creating a high definition picture of Australian science engagement. This is your chance to contribute right at the start.

The new project is funded by the Australian government’s Inspiring Australia Strategy to gather information about the who, what, where, when, why and how we communicate science.

It will be a fast paced session, led by Jenni Metcalfe, Director of Econnect Communication. Your input and ideas will help shape a forthcoming national survey of science engagement activities.

Learn more about the project.

When: Tuesday 22 May, 7-8:30pm, right after Science-connect – social media workshop
Where: The Story Bridge Hotel, Kangaroo Point
Entry: Free. Drinks and finger foods provided