This is the official notice of the Australian Science Communicators’ Special General Meeting, to be held in Melbourne during the ASC2020 Conference February 2020
When: Tuesday 18 February, 1.15pm
Where: Learning and Teaching Building, Monash Clayton Campus, Victoria.
Only financial ASC members are eligible to attend the SGM. Please check you have renewed your membership
Agenda items and notices of motions
Proposed agenda items include
- Redefining quorum for meetings, for a consistent approach between state and national level.
- Notification to trial allowing observer or proxy attendance to National Council meetings to facilitate greater involvement of members.
- Capitation review
Constitutional Amendment Notice
Reason for proposed amendments:
We are proposing to reduce the definition of a quorum to 10% of financial members or 20 members, whichever is the less. The purpose of this amendment is to be consistent with a workable approach for state branches. This was a suggestion arising from the 2019 AGM.
- Committee meetings and quorum
(2)One quarter of the total number of members entitled under these rules to vote at a general meeting, or twenty members including proxies (whichever is the lesser) constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of a general meeting.
Proposed change:
- Committee meetings and quorum
(2) Ten percent of the total number of members entitled under these rules to vote at a general meeting, or twenty members including proxies (whichever is the lesser) constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of a general meeting.
Members unable to attend the SGM in person can provide an online proxy. This will allow members to nominate another current ASC member attending the meeting to hold their proxy, or alternatively the National Secretary (Phil Dooley).
Proxy form is here.
Please note, organisations that have a membership may nominate only one (1) representative to vote