What would you ask a politician, if you had the chance?

As new members of Science and Technology Australia (STA), ASC for the first time will be part of Science Meets Parliament, so below is your chance to have some input on that.

In this program, STA organises meetings between representatives of their member organisations (mostly scientific professional bodies) and members of parliament. 

We – Claire Harris, Adam Selinger and Phil Dooley – will be the ASC delegate reps at this event, and would like to hear what conversations you – the members – would like to happen, when we get our 15 minutes of limelight with the decision-makers of the country.

We feel this first go at the event will be a learning and listening exercise for us. There may be a small chance for us to lobby on some issue or other, but primarily, we’d like to find out more about how politicians engage with science.

We invite you to offer suggestions via the form below.

Go here to leave your suggestions

Update – Claire, Adam and Phil will be joined by Isabella and Preeti who are also attending as a scholarship winner and as a general delegates. Any contribution to this form will be shared with them also.

Official notice of ASC Special General Meeting, 18 February 2020

This is the official notice of the Australian Science Communicators’ Special General Meeting, to be held in Melbourne during the ASC2020 Conference February 2020 When: Tuesday 18 February, 1.15pm Where: Learning and Teaching Building, Monash Clayton Campus, Victoria. RSVP: secretary@asc.asn.au Only financial ASC members are eligible to attend the SGM. Please check you have renewed your membership community.asc.asn.au Agenda items and notices of motions Proposed agenda items include
  • Redefining quorum for meetings, for a consistent approach between state and national level.
  • Notification to trial allowing observer or proxy attendance to National Council meetings to facilitate greater involvement of members.
  • Capitation review
Constitutional Amendment Notice Reason for proposed amendments: We are proposing to reduce the definition of a quorum to 10% of financial members or 20 members, whichever is the less.  The purpose of this amendment is to be consistent with a workable approach for state branches. This was a suggestion arising from the 2019 AGM. Current:
  1. Committee meetings and quorum
(2)One quarter of the total number of members entitled under these rules to vote at a general meeting, or twenty members including proxies (whichever is the lesser) constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of a general meeting. Proposed change:
  1. Committee meetings and quorum
(2) Ten percent of the total number of members entitled under these rules to vote at a general meeting, or twenty members including proxies (whichever is the lesser) constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of a general meeting. Proxies Members unable to attend the SGM in person can provide an online proxy. This will allow members to nominate another current ASC member attending the meeting to hold their proxy, or alternatively the National Secretary (Phil Dooley). Proxy form is here. Please note, organisations that have a membership may nominate only one (1) representative to vote

Careers and Networking Night – ACT Branch

If you are wanting to get into a science communication career then the
ACT branch Careers and Networking Night at ANU is for you.

And people in the field looking for fresh new talent can meet all the

When: Thursday April 23, 5:15 pm-6:30 pm
Where: Green Couch Room, Australian National Centre for the Public
Awareness of Science (CPAS), Physics Link building 38A, ANU
Cost: Free.

Register herehttps://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/asc-careers-and-networking-night-tickets-16479602936

The night will begin with a series of short talks highlighting different
pathways and careers in science communication. Hear about current and
exciting new undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by CPAS which can kickstart your sci comm career.

Guest speakers include:

Lara Davis – How a chemistry graduate ends up a geoscience
communicator, via a Dip Ed.

Amanda Cox – Digital comms professional, science marketing at ANU, from a biochemistry background via the not-for profit and government worlds.

Phil Dooley – PhD in physics turns IT trainer, high school workshopper
then science writer at ANU.

Katie Howe – Comms professional, no science background, hey how did
she get in here?!

Anna-Lisa Hayes
– Environmental scientist turns science communicator
in the government sector.

Following the talks there will be an opportunity to network over FREE food
and drinks.

Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/asc-careers-and-networking-night-tickets-16479602936

Thursday April 23, 5:15 pm-6:30 pm

Where: Green Couch Room, Australian National Centre for the Public
Awareness of Science (CPAS), Physics Link building 38A, ANU

Cost: Free.