Lessons from my COSMOS internship

I heard my name and the applause started.
As I walked to the front of the room to collect the award there was something I hoped my smile concealed – I felt like a fraud.
Over the previous two years, I’d become increasingly interested in the communication of science. I had started a blog, produced a fun […]

A brief note from now ex-SCOPE editor, Tara Roberson

This December I’m resigning from the SCOPE team after two wonderful years editing the ASC newsletter.
When I first applied for the editor role in 2015, I was a relatively recent recruit to science communication. I was mid-way through my Masters of Communication (Science) and had just commenced work as the communication officer at the ARC […]

Now ex-Scope Editor!

It’s been two years and four months since I first took up the post as Editor of the ASC newsletter, Scope. A lot of things have happened in that time… Ebola outbreaks, Royal births, water on Mars and Australia on its fourth Prime Minister for the period. Closer to home, the previous 28 months have […]

Careers and Networking Night – ACT Branch

If you are wanting to get into a science communication career then the
ACT branch Careers and Networking Night at ANU is for you.
And people in the field looking for fresh new talent can meet all the

When: Thursday April 23, 5:15 pm-6:30 pm
Where: Green Couch Room, Australian National Centre for the Public
Awareness of Science (CPAS), Physics Link […]

Science in a glossy mag? Tell ‘em they’re dreaming

Thank you to Sarah Keenihan for preparing this piece.
There’s no doubting Professor Rob Morrison’s science communication credentials. With more than 40 years of experience as a broadcaster and author, he has also won many national and international awards. In 2002 he received the Eureka Prize for Critical Thinking and the Michael Daley award for science […]

#ASC14 Past (current) presidents – Joan Leach

Thank you to Simon Chester for providing us with this president’s article.
With 2014 marking the 20th anniversary of the Australian Science Communicators (ASC), it’s a worthwhile time to talk to some of its past presidents, and find out some of their fondest memories, what drew them to science communication, what the big issues where back […]

#ASC14 Past presidents – Jesse Shore

Thank you to Simon Chester for providing us with this president’s article.
With 2014 marking the 20th anniversary of the Australian Science Communicators (ASC), it’s a worthwhile time to talk to some of its past presidents, and find out some of their fondest memories, what drew them to science communication, what the big issues where back […]

#ASC14 Past presidents – Alison Leigh

Thank you to Simon Chester for providing us with this president’s article.
With 2014 marking the 20th anniversary of the Australian Science Communicators (ASC), it’s a worthwhile time to talk to some of its past presidents, and find out some of their fondest memories, what drew them to science communication, what the big issues where back […]

#ASC14 Past presidents – Toss Gasciogne

Thank you to Simon Chester for providing us with this president’s article.
With 2014 marking the 20th anniversary of the Australian Science Communicators (ASC), it’s a worthwhile time to talk to some of its past presidents, and find out some of their fondest memories, what drew them to science communication, what the big issues where back […]

Member profile: Anne Chang

Thank you to Anne Chang for telling us about herself!
I wasn’t one of those people who knew what they wanted to be from a young age, unless you count being a princess (which I still wouldn’t mind being). Growing up I was exposed to science at a very early age; but I quickly realised I […]