ASCSA monthly – Evaluating effectiveness
Monday 19 July, The Science Exchange (, 6.30pm-8.30pm
Cost: Free for ASCSA and RiAus members/ $10 adult / $5 student/concession
A key challenge of science engagement activity is showing your effectiveness and measuring success. How do we know that our programs and activities are making a difference? Do we have the impact we desire? Are we engaging with the right audiences? How do we evaluate what we’re doing? At the July ASCSA meeting we’re inviting several people from community engagement/education programs, including science shows, museums and science events, to share their experiences of how they go about evaluating their programs. This event will be relevant to anyone involved in community engagement/education programs, and we’d especially love to see you if you’re involved in planning a National Science Week event for August this year.
We’ll also be running a small scale evaluation survey on our ASC program so far this year, your chance to let us know what you’ve thought and what you’d like to see more of.
Please book online at and then cash payment can be made on the door at the event.
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