I’ve just started as a science writer/editor at Green Ink; if anybody has any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Adam Barclay
*Green Ink* *Communications Strategist*
Working from home anywhere in the world
Full-time preferred, but part-time applicants considered
Green Ink (www.greenink.co.uk) is a leading provider of communication services in support of natural resources research for development. Our clients are organizations dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger and protecting the environment in the developing world.
We are seeking an experienced communications strategist to develop our new service in this area. Able to design and deliver a package of activities spanning the participatory development of a strategy, training in its implementation and assessment of its impact, you will know how to identify key areas of intervention, from the written word or image to new communications tools and channels. You will be particularly knowledgeable about media outreach and social networking. An outstanding writer yourself, you will be able to lead by example in the development of content that achieves impact. Equipped with a relevant university degree or equivalent, you will already have an impressive record of success. You must be willing to travel to our clients when necessary. Outstanding English is a must, fluent French and/or other languages a plus. Salary negotiable and there is an attractive benefits package.
To apply, please follow the process outlined on the at http://www.greenink.co.uk/index.php?section=9&subsection=105 and send an application form to us by 3 December 2010.
We are an equal opportunities employer.
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