Free ANZAAS talk, Melbourne Wed 17th November, 6:30pm
All welcome, no booking needed At: Gene Technology Access Centre, 1H Royal Parade, Parkville Free drinks and pizza after the talk Professor Andrew Gleadow
Head, School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne
“The Geology of the Melbourne Region: our Place in a Plate Tectonic World “
The Plate Tectonics Revolution of the last 40 years has changed forever the way in which we look at planet Earth and its behaviour, but there is often a failure to relate this to the ordinary geology we see around us on a local scale. This talk will discuss the geology of the Melbourne region in the context of the origin and evolution of the much larger Australian Plate within which we reside. The geological record of this area can be traced through four distinct stages from its turbulent origins in an active plate boundary setting of converging plates and continental collision, through a relatively placid period within Gondwana, to the breakup of that Supercontinent and finally the northwards flight of Australia and emergence of the present plate configuration. All of these stages have left their mark on our local geology, and the now-distant boundaries of our Plate still exert a local influence on our region today.
Enter off Story Steet, GTAC is at the western end of University High School’s oval
ANZAAS Vic is pleased to acknowledge the support by GTAC, CSL and La Trobe University for the ANZAAS Melbourne science talks series
Further Info: Peter Kemeny 0409 028 165
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