It might if your family are all nerdy and science communicators, otherwise any online ASC chat migth be post Xmas
Long article in Scientific American titled “Link between science and journalism getting blurry…again.” Covers trust, faith in peer-review process…and more
Jason Major Manager TechNyou 1800 631 276
Location: Bio21 Institute, 30 Flemington Road, Parkville, 3010 Postal: PO Box 4455, University of Melbourne, Parkville, 3052
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Great link Jason!
History of Communication 101 but so essential for us science communicators
I love the quote about science papers:
I think it is fascinating that this loss of ³phatic² language, in the quest for objective, fact-only language, has inadvertantly undermined trust in the scientists.
The very subjectivity that scientists mistrust, gives the personality and connection which the audience needs to build trust in the writer. So our job as science communicators is to take all the non-objective ³fluff² that we spent all our scientific training learning to remove, and put it back in again!
Dr Philip Dooley | Manager of Outreach Programs School of Physics | Faculty of Science
THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY T +61 2 9351 3201 | F +61 2 9351 7726 | M +61 414 94 55 77 E | W Facebook: 02670
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