DIISR has partnered with media140 for a unique international event at the Brisbane Powerhouse on the 27th April 2011.
The ASC is proud to offer members a special 10% discount off advertised registration rates. All members will be sent an email with the discount code soon. Click here to join the ASC: http://www.asc.asn.au/join/
Jesse Shore, ASC National President said: “The Australian Science Communicators welcome Media140’s event which will appeal to science communicators interested in understanding social technologies and risk.”
The event will explore the impact of social technologies on effective science and risk communication, looking at the challenges of engaging the public on issues such as climate change, health, nanotechnology, cloning and other sensitive public interest themes. Through keynotes, workshops, round tables and one to one business sessions the event will provide practical guidance and strategic leadership from speakers and educators from US, Europe and Australia.
Confirmed speakers include:
¥ Dr Kristin Alford, Managing Director of Bridge8
¥ David Hood, Former Greenpeace Pacific Campaign Manager
¥ Dr. Will Grant, Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science.
¥ Cobi Smith, Science communicator
¥ Kate Carruthers, Social technologist and educator
¥ Craig Thomler, Gov 2.0 advocate and communicator
¥ Dr Craig Cormick, Manager of the Public Awareness and Community Engagement program of the Innovation Department’s National Enabling Technologies Strategy.
More information and earlybird tickets can be found at: http://www.amiando.com/media140FrontiersBrisbane
Event to be held on 27th April 2010 at the Brisbane Powerhouse
Entry by ticket registration only.
Earlybird tickets until 8th April at $220, rising to $330
For more information see: http://www.media140.com