There has been a lot of behind the scenes development work on the upcoming ASC conference. The call for session producers has just been issued and I’ve previously announced that Professor Ian Chubb, Australia’s Chief Scientist, has agreed to open the conference and be our keynote speaker.
We have received acceptances from several state Chief Scientists to join Professor Chubb in a plenary panel discussion about their takes on science communication and related matters. I anticipate the Chief Scientists will also be available to present separate discussion presentations with others from their state in parallel sessions.
Each day of the conference will have a different feel. The second day will likely feature a plenary with executives from major scientific research and funding agencies. They will be able to discuss how they adjust to changing science policies along with other matters that the session producer and program committee throw at them.
The conference team is thinking the third day will focus on edgier topics such as the rapidly changing world of communication media. It might cover the spread of computer gaming as a learning and communications media, and wherever and whatever the many threads of social media are at present.
The conference team is planning for an active exhibition area as a complement and contrast to the presentation sessions. They are aiming for a strong art-science presence and displays from the science communication industry.
The web site will go live very soon as we complete final details and testing. It will be easy to navigate and will continue to be improved as program updates and other information gets added.
The conference team is ably led by Rod Lamberts, as conference convenor, and Kali Madden, as conference director, with much involvement from several ASC members.
Being fun people the team is planning a busy social program to balance the other conference activities. So mark your diaries for the 27-29 February and keep the night before open too as the pre-opening evening should be thought provoking as well as entertaining.
Jesse Shore
National president