Who, what, where, when, why and how do we communicate science in Australia? And what do we think our success rate is? The ASC is part of a team to find out the answers.
The Inspiring Australia program has funded a project to create a national audit of science engagement activities. We will get a picture of the diverse range of activities which were delivered, or are planned to be, from January 2011 to June 2013.
The information will be gathered mainly by a nationwide survey and the collated and reported data will be a valuable tool. It will inform individuals and groups who deliver and coordinate the programs, potential partners and sponsors, and be a starting point for related projects to develop means of assessing the success of activities.
ASC branches will be running special events about the audit. Members can be part of focus groups to provide another stream of information and insight, and to suggest which groups we should promote the survey to.
The team working on the national audit comprises Jenni Metcalfe (Econnect Communication), Kristin Alford (Bridge8), and Jesse Shore and Kali Madden (Australian Science Communicators). Nancy Longnecker (UWA), Rod Lamberts (ANU) and Joan Leach (UQ) are advisors for the project.
Read more about the project in the attached announcement. The link to the on-line survey will be announced soon.
Jesse Shore
National president
Announcement of National audit of science engagement activities – 27 Apr