For those of you who need a reminder, time is running out to add your science engagement activities to the national survey. We want to get a good snapshot of the diversity of activity in Australia and we need your input. Activities will be represented in an interactive on-line map and other data visualisation tools. So don’t be camera shy, fill in the survey and become part of the big picture.
Grab yourself a few moments and fill out the survey at: It closes 30 June 2012.
You can be in the draw to win a prize, and help make science communication and engagement more effective.
Send me an email if you have a long a list of activities and need some data entry help: president at
Once again, here is the description of the project:
The biggest snapshot of science engagement in Australia
It’s a picture as big as Australia. A flash of light illuminating how people are getting science out there. And it’s the first time it’s been done.
The picture shows everyone who is engaging people with any science, from anywhere, any organisation, even into the future—that’s the goal.
Inspiring Australia wants to create a snapshot of all of the diverse science communication activities and programs going on between January 2011 and June 2013, and we need the help of anyone doing science engagement across the country.
People can help by filling out a survey about the science engagement that they’re a part of. We’ll put the results into a visual national online database that anyone can explore. The database is part of a national audit that will help us all understand:
- who are Australia’s players in science engagement—internationally, nationally, regionally and locally
- where and who is missing out on science engagement
- if and how Australians respond to science engagement activities
- how people can link their activities or ideas together
- how people are evaluating their engagement activities, or not
- how we can create better tools for evaluation
- the bigger picture of science engagement in Australia—with lots of opportunity for research.
The survey and database are being created in response to the Inspiring Australia Expert Working Group report Developing an Evidence Base for Science Engagement. It’s the first of a suite of projects tackling the report’s recommendations.
As well as the survey, we will do personal interviews and a desktop review to make sure that we capture as many activities as possible.
The team comprises Jenni Metcalfe (Econnect Communication), Kristin Alford (Bridge8), and Jesse Shore and Kali Madden (Australian Science Communicators). Nancy Longnecker (UWA), Rod Lamberts (ANU) and Joan Leach (UQ) are advisors for the project. The data will help develop a national evaluation tool for science engagement activities—another initiative in response to the report’s recommendations.
The audit will help science communicators to be seen as part of the big picture of science engagement in Australia and their standing with respect to the world.
This Inspiring Australia initiative is supported by the Australian Government through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education in partnership with Econnect, Bridge8, ASC and UWA.
Fill the survey out at: It closes 30 June 2012.
Jesse Shore
National president