Show off your science at the ASC Victoria end of year party and AGM. Put the party appropriate night of Monday 24 November in your calendars for an evening of networking, pizza eating, drinking and general celebrations!
‘Science Show-off’ is your chance to show the Victorian science communication community something, weird, funny, quirky, musical or cunning… show us your own science, or your skills at communicating the science of others.
The theme for the show-off will be ‘The Science of 2014’ and your show-off must be less than 5min. Numbers are limited so send your ideas through to to ensure a place in the line-up.
And if you’d like to contribute to our local science communication community in a less frivolous way… we’ll also be holding our AGM during the night.
Please arrive by 6:30pm to have your say on our activities and direction over the next year, and consider nominating for one of the committee positions (more below).
If you can’t make it on the night do send along a proxy so your voice is heard.
Your ASC committee will provide delicious food platters and you can purchase drinks at the bar.
The event is FREE for ASC Members ($10 for others) but we can help you sign-up on the night.
Event details
Date: Monday 24 November
Time: 6.30-9.30pm
Place: Loop Bar 23 Meyers Pl, Melbourne (between Bourke and Little Collins)
Victorian Branch AGM – Further Information
Only paid up ASC members can participate in the formal business parts of the evening, including electing Branch Committee.
Meeting Agenda
– Confirm minutes from 2013 AGM
– President’s report (George Aranda)
– Treasurer’s report (Toni Stevens on behalf of Linden Ashcroft)
– Nominations for 2015 committee
– Other business
Branch Committee Positions
– President
– Representative on ASC National Executive
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– Ordinary Committee Members
Nominating for committee positions
– Nominations for committee positions are open. Self-nominations are acceptable.
– The current Committee encourages new applications from ASC members who would like to get involved in shaping and leading activities and events.
– Nominations for Branch Committee positions are encouraged in advance of the AGM (please send these to Nominations will also be accepted at the AGM.
– Any ASC member based in Victoria can stand for a branch committee position.
Voting by proxy at the AGM
– If you cannot attend the AGM you may wish to nominate a proxy, prior to the AGM.
– In advance of the AGM, you should email the current Branch President ( with details of your nominated proxy.
– You can nominate any ASC member based in Victoria as your proxy.
– Note proxy nominations cannot be accepted at the AGM.