Written by Paula Lourie.
At the 21st AGM of the Australian Science Communicators on November 19 2015 in Canberra, Professor Joan Leach was confirmed as 2016 President. This is Joan’s third year as President.
The 2016 National Executive is:
- President: Professor Joan Leach (ACT)
- Vice President: Bianca Nogrady (NSW)
- Vice President: Niall Byrne (VIC)
- Secretary: Sarah Lau (WA)
- Treasurer: Pete Wheeler (WA)
- Executive Officer: Kali Madden (ACT)
With two new positions appointed:
- Branch Co-ordinator: Dr Phil Dooley (ACT)
- Events Co-ordinator: Tara Roberson (QLD)
The goal of these new positions is to develop and support a national program of professional development events for science communicators across Australia.
We congratulate all continuing and new National Executive members.