This December I’m resigning from the SCOPE team after two wonderful years editing the ASC newsletter.
When I first applied for the editor role in 2015, I was a relatively recent recruit to science communication. I was mid-way through my Masters of Communication (Science) and had just commenced work as the communication officer at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems.
Academically and ‘experimentally’ (I’ve spent too long around physicists), science communication proved a fascinating challenge and I knew I was keen to pursue work in the field, but I didn’t really know anyone in the space beyond my scicomm class.
Joining the Australian Science Communicators was the first step for building networks in the Aussie science communication scene and, a year later when the position became vacant and previous editor Victoria left Australia for exciting UK adventures, applying for the editing position was the second.
Working with my co-editor Jess Scholle, Kali Madden, and two Presidents (Joan Leach and Craig Cormick) and discovering what science communication looks like around Australia has been a wonderful experience.
So – thank you to all our regular contributors and the whole ASC team!
I won’t disappear from the ASC as I step into a new role as President on the SEQ branch. Hopefully I can live up to the wonderful ASC tradition and take some inspiration from the events and activities I have witnessed through editing SCOPE.
Happy reading, everyone, and happy holidays!