2010 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes – nominations close 7 May

One way to raise the profile of ASC and science communication in Australia is for ASC members to nominate suitable candidates for the five Eureka prizes being offered in Science Communication and Journalism.

One of the prizes in this category, Advancement of Climate Change Knowledge, is new this year. Whether you nominate yourself or provide a report in support of a nomination mention that you are a member of ASC in the required documentation. Entries close midnight AEST 7 May 2010.

For a complete list of all 19 prizes, entry details and online forms go to http://eureka.australianmuseum.net.au/enter.

Science Communication and Journalism

·         Advancement of Climate Change Knowledge

Sponsored by New South Wales Government

·         Environmental Journalism

Sponsored by Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts

·         Promoting Understanding of Science

Sponsored by Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

·         Science Journalism

Sponsored by Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

·         Science Photography

Sponsored by New Scientist

Jesse Shore
National President

From the President, April 2010: Survey winners, making friends and IY

I am happy to announce that Tesse Hoekstra and Annie Harris were selected from the respondents to the ASC post-conference survey as the winners of copies of Julian Cribb’s ‘Open Science’ book. I expect they will find it as a good a read as I did. Julian’s book contains a range of useful and sometimes surprising tips.

The responses to the survey also made a good read. Many of the 70 respondents made constructive suggestions about how to make the conference better as well as mentioning numerous aspects they found as highlights. In general respondents rated the conference highly, finding it informative and useful for networking. We now have to consider when to hold the next conference. Expect to be asked for input.

Since the conference ASC National Council and Executive have been working on numerous matters relating to medium and long-term planning, and considering the implications of the Inspiring Australia report. I have had preliminary discussions with DIISR personnel and will continue the process. I am optimistic that ASC will play a significant role in helping to fulfil the aims of the report. Actions we are taking now include seeking new or closer relationships with professional scientific and educational bodies and government scientific organisations. In general we will act to place us in a beneficial position when government funding eventually becomes available to implement the recommendations of the report.

We are currently considering members’ responses to Rob Morrison’s request for feedback about the Inspiring Australia report. We are still awaiting responses from a member and branch or two but we already have plenty to chew over. Your feedback will help guide our actions.

Next year is the International Year of Chemistry. IYC offers opportunities for chemical-inclined ASC members (think laterally here) and our branches to engage with a wide range of professional chemistry, educational, industry, government and environmental groups. To find out the contact person in your region view http://www.chemistry2011.org/connect/the-iyc-network?show_node=1241. Get in touch with these people now because some groups have started their planning for next year’s events.

Jesse Shore

National President

From the President: February 2010; A commendable conference

My congratulations to all those involved in organising and presenting the recent ASC conference. After the first day of the conference I was asked what the highlight of the day was for me. Every session I attended was so good that I replied the entire day was a highlight. I enjoyed meeting and chatting with so many people and felt the day just went so well. After a moment’s reflection I did add that it was pretty exciting for Senator Carr to launch the Inspiring Australia report at the opening of the conference. The report announcement was a coup for the conference but the conference proper was a gem.

Days two and three maintained the quality of my conference experience. My conversations with delegates swirled around the challenges of usefully evaluating our science communication activities and how we can work more closely with our colleagues in the arts and humanities. A highlight of day two was Professor Will Steffen’s plenary on communicating climate change. His presentation combined with sessions on authority in science, scientific process, communicating a pandemic and risk to help me frame my discussions with the denialists and doubters who I occasionally encounter.

Another notable aspect of the conference was that all the speakers, presenters and session producers were sourced from within Australia. We rightfully can be impressed with the depth of people Australia has in the science communication area. Yet recognising that overseas speakers contribute international perspectives and add star quality to a conference, for future ASC conferences we’ll consider adding international ingredients to our local cocktail.

The conference convenor, Tim Thwaites, and conference director, Kali Madden, will soon send out a short survey to all conference delegates and to ASC members who didn’t attend the event. I heard a rumour that Tim and Kali are offering an incentive to answering the survey so I’ll be racing to get my response in.

Jesse Shore
National President

Graphic designer for science publication

Can anyone recommend a graphic designer who has worked on science based publications? The designer preferably would be based in NSW.