We’re looking for two people to join the Science in Public team, working out of our office in Spotswood in Melbourne’s west.
One position is for an experienced operator with at least a decade of experience in a media or communication role relevant to Australian science.
The second position is for a young turk going places. In 2010 our work highlights included:
· managing publicity for the Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science
· running L’Oréal Australia’s For Women in Science fellowship program
· coordinating media for a large UN conference on global health
· organising a climate forum in the Mural Hall at Parliament House for Universities Australia
· continuing communication support for the Australian Institute of Physics
· a book for the World Expo celebrating Australia/China collaboration
· Fresh Science
· dozens of other projects. We’re looking forward to many more exciting projects in 2011 and our team of five needs help. We’re looking for people who:
· Can capture the essence of a story in a headline and first paragraph and follow through with an exciting and accurate one page media release/story
· Have never willingly used the words world class or breakthrough and gets our style (www.scienceinpublic.com/blog)
· Have demonstrated both passion and results in getting science into the public space
· Are born networkers with a good working knowledge of Australia’s science community and how to work in it – and have the working contacts to prove it
· Have proven client liaison, project and event management skills
· Are savvy users of the web, blogs, twitter and related tools with a demonstrated ability in building and sustaining communities of interest both online and offline.
If you have four out of six of these key skills, we’d like to hear from you.
You do not need a science degree or a communication degree but you do need to have demonstrated a passion and skill in communicating and networking in the science world.
Both positions are full-time or near full-time.
Pay will be negotiated based on experience.
You can read more about us and our projects at: www.scienceinpublic.com/blog
If you are interested, please do not call.
Please send me a short email with a few paragraphs on yourself and links to samples of your work.
I will get back to you if I want more information.
Niall Byrne
Science in Public has moved to:
82 Hudsons Road, Spotswood Vic 3015 Our postal address is PO Box 2076 Spotswood VIC 3015 Our landline stays the same – 03 9398 1416.
Niall’s mobile: 0417 131 977 Sarah’s mobile: 0413 332 489
niall@scienceinpublic.com.au Twitter scienceinpublic Full contact details at www.scienceinpublic.com.au/blog
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