And continuing another discussion.
There are several motions to change the ASC’s constitution at the AGM today.
I won’t be attending but I urge members attending to vote against the proposal to give votes to corporate members. I support the other changes but not this one. It’s a significant change that takes ASC further away from its roots, and that distances it from its international peers.
The ASC was founded when science journalists and science communicators came together and agreed to work together to advance science communication. In one sense they succeeded beyond their dreams. There is now a large community of science communicators and the term (invented by the ASC founders I think) is now a profession. In one sense they failed. Science journalism is a dying art and many of those in the science round are not members of the ASC.
One of the issues for science journalists has been that their representational organisations be free of corporate influence. In fact for many years our US and UK peers frowned down on the pr people and kept them at arm’s length. They still have some restrictions eg
So my questions to the delegates at the AGM tonight are:
Do you want the ASC to stay closer to its roots and serve as a home for science journalists and science communicators – if so I urge you to vote against the motion to give corporate members voting rights
Do you want the ASC to continue its drift towards the world of public relations and disenfranchise journalists – if so then you can safely vote for the change.
I think there are other ways of creating a value proposition for corporate supporters. The ASC demonstrated this at the 2007 World Conference of Science Journalists when we raised a lot of sponsorship without compromising the editorial integrity of the conference content.
Kind regards,
Niall Byrne
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From: [] On Behalf Of Sarah Lau Sent: Friday, 19 November 2010 7:49 PM To: Subject: [ASC-list] Motions to change the ASC Constitution – for ASC AGM 2010
Dear ASC Members,
Further to the notice of the AGM on Monday 13 December 2010, please see below the proposed motions for changes to the ASC Constitution.
Motions to change the ASC Constitution – for ASC AGM 2010
1. Motion to change the Constitution – Motion made by Jesse Shore and seconded by Rob Morrison. We propose the constitution is amended as follows (proposed changes to wording in the current and revised clauses are underlined): Section 4 of the constitution – ‘MEMBERSHIP’ Current wording:
The membership fee for Corporate Members shall be at a rate of 800% of the standard Annual Membership Fee.
Proposed new wording
The membership fee for Corporate Members shall be at the rate as determined by the National Council but not less than 500% of the standard Annual Membership Fee. The rate may be changed once each year to come into effect at the annual membership renewal date or at the beginning of the ASC financial year.
Reason for proposed amendment: The ASC currently has only two corporate members. This low number may be because the membership fee is not sufficiently enticing and/or that representatives of corporate members have no voting rights unless they are members of the National Council. The proposed change in wording addresses the cost factor.
A few years ago, to make corporate membership more attractive, ASC officials changed the rate for corporate membership from 800% to 600% of the standard annual member’s fee although this is not in accord with the current wording of Clause
I advocate that the National Council, as the policy making body of ASC, have the authority to set the rate with the constraint of the stated minimum 500%. The proposed wording will enable the National Council to make such adjustments without having to hold a special meeting and changes are limited to one per year.
This change does not affect Clause which states that standard annual membership and joining fee is determined at each Annual General Meeting.
2. Motion to change the Constitution – Motion made by Jesse Shore and seconded by Rob Morrison. We propose the constitution is amended as follows (proposed changes to wording in the current and revised clauses are underlined): Section 4 of the constitution – ‘MEMBERSHIP’ Current wording:
Representatives of Corporate Members who are not members of the National Council may participate in debates on matters of business at any General Meeting, but shall not be entitled to vote.
Proposed new wording
Representatives of Corporate Members who are not members of the National Council may participate in debates on matters of business at any General Meeting and up to five (5) representatives nominated by the Corporate Member shall be entitled to vote. As some representatives may be members of National Council with full voting rights according to Clause 4.2.1, the maximum number of votes for each Corporate Member will be five (5).
Reason for proposed amendment: The ASC currently has no corporate members. This may be because representatives of corporate members have no voting rights unless they are on the National Council. The proposed amendment provides voting rights.
The existing Clause of the constitution states that Corporate Members can have ten members for the cost of eight and a few years ago ASC officials decided the rate should be ten for the cost of six (please see the proposed amendment of clause for more background). This proposed amendment is meant to acknowledge and encourage the active participation of Corporate Members in the organisation while limiting undue influence from force of numbers.
The wording for this amendment does not restrict the means the ASC management (the President and National Council) use to prevent the unlikely situation of more than 5 representatives of one Corporate Member joining the National Council.
3. Motion to change the Constitution to correct typographical errors – Motion made by Jesse Shore and seconded by Rob Morrison. We propose the constitution is amended as follows (proposed changes to wording in the current and revised clauses are underlined): Section 4 of the constitution – ‘MEMBERSHIP’ Current wording:
Corporate Members are entitled to nominate up to ten (10) representatives to enjoy the privileges of Ordinary Membership, including attendance at Meetings at the Ordinary Members’ rate of entrance fee according to Clause 5.2.1, but subject to the operation of Clause 4.2.2.
Proposed new wording
Corporate Members are entitled to nominate up to ten (10) representatives to enjoy the privileges of Ordinary Membership, including attendance at Meetings at the Ordinary Members’ rate of entrance fee according to Clause 5.1.2, but subject to the operation of Clause 4.2.2.
Reason for proposed amendment: This corrects a confusing typographical error in Clause The stated Clause 5.2.1 refers to when the AGM is to be called. Clause 5.1.2 refers to fees to attend meetings as follows:
The National Council or Committee shall discriminate in favour of members when charging admission to cover meeting costs.
Section 5 of the constitution – ‘MEETINGS’ Current wording:
Proposed new wording
Reason for proposed amendment: This corrects a typographical error.
Section 6 of the constitution – ‘MANAGEMENT’ Current wording: 6.1.7
Should a casual vacancy occur in the representational of any Branch, the Branch shall nominate a replacement, with such nomination being confirmed by the Branch at its next General Meeting.
Proposed new wording 6.1.7
Should a casual vacancy occur in the representation of any Branch, the Branch shall nominate a replacement, with such nomination being confirmed by the Branch at its next General Meeting.
Reason for proposed amendment: This corrects a typographical error.
Section 7 of the constitution – ‘DISCIPLINING OF MEMBERS’ Current wording:
Where the National Council is of the opinion that a member has persistently and wilfully acted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Association or has s persistently refused or neglected to comply with a provision of this Constitution, the Committee may act to discipline the member.
Proposed new wording
Where the National Council is of the opinion that a member has persistently and wilfully acted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Association or has persistently refused or neglected to comply with a provision of this Constitution, the Committee may act to discipline the member.
Reason for proposed amendment: This corrects a typographical error.
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