Informal dinner and/or drinks in Melbourne

Belgian Beer Cafe Melbourne

An invitation to all SciComm people in Melbourne next week! On Tuesday, a group of science communicators are meeting up after work. We’d love it if you could join us for a drink and/or dinner.

When: Tuesday 28 May, from 5:30pm

Where: Fathers Office, 249 Little Lonsdale Street (note there are 2 locations!)

This event is intended to be an informal catchup. Pay your own way: pop by for a drink or stay on for dinner.

Please RSVP via email to so that she can give the pub appropriate numbers.And if you lose the team on the night, feel free to call 0413 332 489 to find the group.

ABOUT THE VENUE: Speakeasies were prohibition’s worst-kept secrets. One century on, you could say Father’s Office ® meets that criteria. Walk down Little Lonsdale St and find a set of doors with the 18th Amendment on entry. Walk up the ‘old oak’ stairs and you are transformed into an old world version of the 1920’s prohibition era with some twists to create a truly authentic experience. Find out more.

This event is organised by Michael Wilson (Science Mike) and Sarah Brooker (Science in Public). Science in Public is a corporate member of the ASC. A big thank you to Sarah and Mike for coordinating.

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