The 2024 ASC Prizes

The Australian Science Communicators (ASC) is thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2024 ASC awards.

Along with the Unsung Hero award, the prizes now including the Science Communication Hero of Australia Award, Inspiring Project in Science Communication Award, Scientist Communicator Prize, and the Australian Science Communicators President’s Medal. These new accolades celebrate outstanding contributions and address gaps in Australia’s science communication recognition landscape.

Science Communication Hero of Australia: Niall Byrne and Sarah Brooker

The dynamic duo behind Science in Public, Niall and Sarah were recognised jointly for their partnership’s contribution to SciComm and the ASC. Their nominator highlighted their synergy, creating a force greater than the sum of its parts.

Sarah shared, “Scientists are my heroes. They have ideas and know-how that can fix many of the challenges we face in the world. It’s been a privilege working with many of them.

“Helping to get their work into the public space so that it informs policy, changes behaviours, inspires and informs.

“Science communication is fun. You get to hang out with very clever people. And then help them share their knowledge. What a buzz!

“To each one of the science communicators out there. Your work does make a difference. One researcher at a time. One child at a time.

“Keep doing it. My children need you. Science needs you. Scientists need you.”

2024 Unsung Hero of Australian Science Communication: Catriona Nguyễn-Robertson

Known as the Singing Scientist, Catriona’s passion for engaging diverse audiences through articles, science shows, and teaching communication skills has earned her this award. Nominator Jen Martin said that “… communicating science and engaging diverse audiences is Catriona’s passion and forte.”

“I genuinely love doing all the things I do in science communication. Every day is different: focusing on a different area of STEM, working with a different audience, or communicating in a different way,” said Catriona.

“I’m always trying to make a positive impact in STEM education, and to be recognised for this is an immense honour.”

Inspiring Project in Science Communication: AusSMC Collaborative Journalism Project

This innovative project brought together scientists and journalists in five newsrooms, producing 75 articles, seven videos, 28 infographics, and resulting in over 4 million views.

Dr Susannah Eliott, CEO of AusSMC, said, “We’re thrilled to be the inaugural winners of this new ASC award. The award is not just for us at the AusSMC but for all the journalists and scientists working together in the newsrooms – they not only embraced the idea but produced some fantastic unique and in-depth content.”

The Inspiring Project award was accepted by Olivia Henry, Media Officer at the AusSMC.

Scientist Communicator Prize: Associate Professor Paola Magni

A forensic biologist, Paola Magni, applies natural sciences to crime scene investigations.

“This award means the world to me because it symbolises an ongoing journey that has profoundly changed my life and the lives of those who are no longer with us,” said Paola.

“My journey as a science communicator began with presenting scientific evidence in court, and continues every day sharing my research and preparing the next generation of scientists and innovators.

“It is my hope that by fostering a deeper understanding of science, more people will be able to make informed decisions, trust the scientific process, and, why not, consider becoming scientists themselves. If I can do it, so can you!”

ASC President’s Medal: Professor Emma Johnston

A champion of sustainability and diversity, Professor Emma Johnston has been recognised for her significant contributions to Australian science communication. A regular media commentator and co-presenter of a Foxtel/BBC series, she currently serves as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of Sydney.

“Being selected to receive this medal from amongst so many esteemed colleagues who share a passion for promoting awareness in science and technology and making science accessible to our communities, is a deep honour,” said Emma.

“Being recognised by the ASC for contributing to and having an impact on science communication in Australia is an accolade that means a great deal.”

The awards night

These awards were presented at the gala dinner at WA Museum Boola Bardip during ASC’s 2024 national conference in Perth. The conference, titled Support, Connect, Grow highlighted how quality communication can dismantle barriers, bridge knowledge gaps, and foster evidence-driven decision-making.

Congratulations to these outstanding contributors to science communication in Australia!

National Competitive Grants Program

Response to the Policy Review: 13 May 2024

The Australian Science Communicators (ASC) commends the National Competitive Grants Program consultation process and appreciate the opportunity to provide comment at this stage.

This submission emphasises the pivotal role of science communication professionals in enhancing the impact and public perception of university research, and stresses the need for more ambitious aims for the National Competitive Grants Program.

The need for quality science communication

We consider that the need for quality science communication to support and enhance Australia’s higher education system has not been adequately addressed in the Interim Report or the sector more broadly.

Science communicators being limited almost exclusively to the role of ‘science PR’ in many universities thoroughly ignores the obligation on the part of universities to make public research appropriately and accurately accessible to those who fund it, benefit from it, and use it.

The Business Council of Australia’s Seize the Moment report notes that “nine in ten Australians agree that spending on research and development is vital to give us a competitive edge”, and yet many are unaware of the true impact of this R&D investment. This clearly shows the current shortfall in communicating the research effort and its impact.

It is our view that effective science communication plays a crucial and yet underappreciated role in facilitating the implementation of the recommendations of the Policy Review of the National Competitive Grants Program by:

  1. Providing researchers with evidence-based practice in engaging communities, policy-makers and stakeholders, to demonstrate impact and translate research
    1. Just as university researchers are valued and respected for their high-quality work and research output, similar emphasis is needed for trained professionals and academics whose expertise is in the translation and transformation of technical details of contemporary research into messages that different stakeholders can access: science communicators.
    2. It is essential that communication professionals are considered at the beginning stages of the research process (e.g. during grant development), so adequate funds can be allocated for their time and expertise, and that funding models incorporate provision for communication activities.
    3. Trained science communicators can assist with reporting to funders, research participants and local communities, strengthening the link between research and society.
  2. Linking research to impact
    1. Science communication links academia and the Australian people, including policymakers, industry stakeholders, and the wider community.
    2. Of note, there is specific expertise developed within the field in how best to engage hard to reach audiences.
    3. Effective science communication is vital to make complex research findings accessible and understandable, enabling stakeholders to grasp the potential implications and applications of research outcomes.
  3. Promoting collaboration and interdisciplinary research approaches
    1. Science communication promotes integration within the tertiary system and collaboration between universities, industry, and government.
    2. Effective communication channels share information about significant research problems and capabilities, helping stakeholders identify mutual interest and collaboration opportunities.
  4. Public engagement
    1. Quality science communication helps universities connect with the public, enhancing research awareness.
    2. This fosters a sense of relevance and opens doors for public support and funding opportunities.
    3. By promoting a better understanding of the importance of research, science communication can also help build trust between universities, government, industry, and the general public.
  5. Addressing equity and access
    1. The commitment to access for everyone, as mentioned in the report, requires communication efforts to reach diverse audiences.
    2. Effective science communication can play a role in reducing barriers to access by ensuring that information about educational opportunities, research initiatives, and potential collaborations is shared widely and in a way that is accessible to individuals from various backgrounds and communities.

As such, we implore the National Competitive Grants Program vision to acknowledge and build in adequate support and resources for roles such as that of the science communicator professional within grant-funded research processes, along with the researchers who inform their practice.

The ASC has a specific focus on communication in the sciences. While there are specific challenges faced by ASC members, we expect that our recommendations would readily be applied across other fields including the humanities, arts, economics and business, for example. It is the view of the ASC that the National Competitive Grants Program should appropriately acknowledge and include the role of these professionals in any forward-looking vision.

About the Australian Science Communicators

The Australian Science Communicators (ASC) is the peak membership body representing the interests of those who work in, study, teach and have an interest in the field of science communication. The Australian Science Communicators has been bringing science communicators together for 30 years.

Job available: Technical support officer [contractor]

About the role

For an immediate start, the ASC is seeking the support of a temporary contractor with technical skills in membership database migration/management and web development who can invoice for their time. We expect this role to run for approximately 1 to 3 months, with the potential for ad hoc support needed for the next 6 to 12 months. We are seeking someone who can start immediately.

We expect the project’s scope to include two major parts: database backend set-up and development and frontend website development. At this stage, we are happy to receive applications from people with the capability to perform in both of these areas or the first part only.

Key accountabilities

  • Provide technical support for migrating our membership database onto our new membership system,
  • Ensure the new system is configured correctly for effective membership and data management for now and in the future,
  • Provide technical support for team members and troubleshoot any issues that arise in relation to the migration,
  • Build a new website for the organisation to meet our needs (part 2 of the project), and
  • Other activities as appropriate and requested by the Executive Committee.

We are looking for someone who:

  • is technically competent across web and data platforms,
  • has excellent communication skills,
  • can manage their own time and priorities, and
  • can rapidly problem-solve around complex technologies and systems.

You’ll find this role easier if you:

  • have relevant knowledge of association/membership management systems and experience in database migration (especially with Membes),
  • have web development experience,
  • have an awareness of data privacy regulations and principles,
  • are familiar with the principles of using a CRM and accounting software (such as Xero), and
  • are familiar with integrating access across systems and websites.

We will accept EOI’s from anyone who considers themselves capable to complete the core role, and encourage all to apply even if you do not meet all criteria explicitly.

This role will be contracted at an hourly rate of $30–50 (ex. GST) pending experience. Including additional load during the conference season, the estimated time requirement is between 6–10 hours per week (more initially as you become familiar with our systems).

Please do not hesitate to get in touch via if you are interested in discussing the role and your suitability. The role will be filled once a suitable candidate has been found. This expression of interest will remain open for at least one week from 3 April 2024.

About the Australian Science Communicators

The Australian Science Communicators is the peak body for science communication in Australia. Established in 1994, it represents a body of over 200 members with an interest in science communication.

How to build your freelance career in science journalism

This event is being run by our friends over at the Science Journalists Association of Australia who have extended an invitation to ASC members to join. We are grateful to the SJAA for this professional development opportunity for our members.

Bianca Nogrady will run two workshops covering everything you need to know to become a successful freelancer

April 4 and April 11
for current SJAA & ASC members

Bianca Nogrady's headshot
Bianca Nogrady, science journalist, former SJAA President & former ASC Vice President

Freelancing used to be viewed as something you did between in-house jobs. Now it’s a thriving, viable and exciting career path in science journalism that can give you flexibility, long-term security, and variety.

In this two-part online workshop, experienced freelance science journalist, Bianca Nogrady will cover everything you need to build and maintain a great career as a freelance science journalist, including:

  • the pros and cons of freelancing
  • setting up your business
  • working out your niche
  • starting out
  • finding stories
  • pitching
  • choosing when to say ‘yes’ and when to say ‘no’
  • the money questions
  • invoicing and getting paid
  • how to make yourself indispensable to editors

There will be lots of opportunity for questions, and this is aimed at everyone from early-career to established journalists. So come hang out and learn from one of the best.

The 1 hour sessions will be on Zoom for ASC & SJAA members. The recordings will be available for SJAA members only.

This opportunity is available for current members of the ASC and SJAA only. Members can register for one or both sessions below:

Session 1
4 April 2024; 1 hour online
7:30pm AEDT | 7:00pm ACDT | 6:30pm AEST | 6:00pm ACST | 4:30pm AWST

Session 2
11 April 2024; 1 hour online
7:30pm AEST | 7:00pm ACST | 5:30pm AWST

Any questions about the above event, please reach out to the events inbox at

This event is being run by our friends at the SJAA, and ASC members have been offered complementary access. We are grateful for the opportunity.

This is aligned with the ASC’s strategic priority of engaging with our friends and colleagues both here in Australia and overseas to deliver shared value where we can. We expect to see more shared member-only events with SJAA and with other peak bodies unlocked for ASC members into the future.

Online networking events are starting again in 2024

Our online networking events are starting up again for 2024, with the amazing co-hosts Phil and Claire taking lead to coordinate a series of online opportunities to connect with peers and share knowledge.

Catch up with old friends, make new friends, colleagues and mentors/mentees as ASC national hosts a networking event amongst members.

These monthly events are to be an opportunity to interact and chat with other members within ASC. Depending on the host, these session could include breakout rooms, 1:1 interactions or group discussions. Please come ready to turn your audio and camera on to have the best potential experience out of the event.

The first of the 2024 series has been scheduled for 14 March, hosted by Phil Dooley.

ASC Members Networking Event online
(register directly on Zoom)
Hosted by Phil Dooley
Thursday, 14 March 2024;
12:30pm AEDT | 12:00pm ACDT | 11:30pm AEST

| 11:00am ACST | 9:30am AWST

The full series of online networking events is still quite tentative for the year, so make sure to check out the events tab for updates and mark the SCOPE newsletter as not spam. The team have opted for a range of times and dates so that there are options that hopefully suit a range of circumstances. For now, the rough plan is:

  • Thursday 14 March, 12:30 pm AEDT
  • Wednesday 17 April, 5:30 pm AEDT
  • Tuesday 14 May, 12:30 pm AEDT
  • Thursday 13 June, 12:30 pm AEST
  • Friday 12 July, 12:30 pm AEST
  • Tuesday 20 August, 6:30 pm AEST
  • Thursday, 12 September, 12:30 pm AEDT
  • Tuesday 15 October, 12:30 pm AEDT
  • Wednesday 13 November, 5:30 pm AEDT

A big thank you to Phil Dooley and Claire Harris for running these last year, and for stepping up to assist again this year.
If you are keen to support this effort, please get in touch directly with Claire or Phil, or with the Secretaries for Events via

Informal dinner and/or drinks in Melbourne

Belgian Beer Cafe Melbourne

Join Sarah and the Science in Public team for casual dinner and/or drinks at the Belgian Beer Cafe in Southbank, Melbourne.

The event is intended to be an informal catchup. Pay your own way: pop by for a drink or stay on for dinner.

The details
Location: The Belgian Beer Cafe; 5 Riverside Quay,
Southbank, Melbourne
When: Tuesday, 12 March from 5:30 pm
What’s happening: Informal catchup. Drinks and/or dinner.
For: ASC Members and ASC-interested friends

Please RSVP via email to so that she can give the pub appropriate numbers.
And if you lose the team on the night, feel free to call 0413 332 489 to find the group.

About the venue: At Belgian Beer Cafe Melbourne, we pride ourselves on offering an extensive selection of beers from around the world. Our tap beer and bottle menu includes classic Belgian styles like Trappist, Dubbels, Tripels, and Saisons, as well as local and other international brews. We also serve an excellent selection of wines and cocktails, so there is definitely something for everyone. Find out more.

This event is hosted by Sarah Brooker & Science in Public. Science in Public is a corporate member of the ASC. A big thank you to Sarah for coordinating.

Researchers behaving badly

This event is being hosted by our friends at the SJAA.

While we have confirmed that the live event is available for ASC members to attend, the recording of the event is likely to be limited to SJAA members only. We recommend registering and attending for the live event if this is of interest to you.

A discussion on research integrity and scientific misconduct
with Professor David Vaux
January 31 18:00-19:30 AEDT online, free

Professor David Vaux

From accusations of plagiarism against Harvard’s former president to the case against Marc Tessier-Lavigne and over to the horrific case of Paolo Macchiarini’s plastic windpipes — scientific misconduct has exploded into the public eye in recent times. Those high-profile stories are captivating, but they really only scratch the surface of a growing problem: There’s a lot of dodgy research out there and more is being uncovered every year.

One of the detectives investigating the scene of scientific misconduct crime goes by the name of Davo

Professor David “Davo” Vaux is a world-renowned cell biologist and one of Australia’s foremost research integrity experts. For more than a decade, he’s been calling for the establishment of an independent ombudsman / research integrity office in Australia to investigate cases of scientific misconduct. He is also the inaugural winner of the David Vaux Research Integrity Fellowship Award, established by the Australian Academy of Science in his name, and a member of the board of directors of The Center For Scientific Integrity, the parent organization of the Retraction Watch blog. 

The Science Journalists Association of Australia is thrilled to have David present on research integrity issues in Australia, explore how to spot dodgy research and explain why researchers might cut corners, fabricate data and falsify experimental results.

Direct from Davo: “This talk will provide some examples of where science can go wrong, and will be illustrated by examples of papers by high profile researchers in prestigious journals that would only have had some value had they been printed on absorbent paper with perforated pages.” (emphasis mine)

It’ll be on Zoom, so BYO, come hang out and learn from one of the best. Details below.

The important stuff!

When: Wednesday, January 31,
17:00-18:30 AEST | 18:00-19:30 AEDT |
16:30-18:00 ACST | 17:30-19:00 ACDT |
15:00-16:30 AWST

More details? Email events at

The STA Leaders Dialogue

Tom Carruthers, Co-President

Yesterday afternoon, I had the pleasure of representing the ASC at the STA Leaders Dialogue held at the Google Offices in Darling Harbour, Sydney.

The event was a summary of STA’s activities and policy wins for the past 12 months. {I took some photos of the slides but missed their policy wins – I’ll update this soon with the detail}.

In preparation for this dialogue, the STA membership highlighted 10 priority areas to focus on in advocacy for 2023. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the first three priorities are to do with investment in science and R&D, followed by a focus on re-industrialising Australia’s economy.

In the breakout session, I worked on this challenge with a small team and our discussion tried to articulate the sovereign risk posed to Australia should we not rapidly turnaround the decreased R&D funding trend. STA President, Prof. Mark Hutchinson raised his vision for Australia deliberately choosing to retire the idea of Australia being the lucky country, arguing that we should focus on becoming a hopeful one.

Priorities 5-7 relate to STEM education and supporting the STEM workforce. These are areas the ASC can strongly engage, and I will continue to find opportunities for our members to contribute their expertise and vision here. STEM education was a significant theme of the dialogue, with many STA organisational leaders highlighting the need for more STEM training and for specialist teachers. I am sure that we have members who can bolster this advocacy with case studies and impact evaluation to support the evidence base for this ask.

Priorities 8 through 10 focused on STA’s advocacy in championing diversity in STEM. This is where STA’s Superstars of STEM program, along with their support for initiatives such as Deadly Science feature.

I raised my concern that there wasn’t a specific aspiration to better address the key advocacy platform theme we’ve been sharing over the past 12 months – namely the underappreciation of science communication expertise, and the significant gap in capability in forming the evidence base for Australian communication and engagement programs. We will continue to engage STA over the coming months and years to attempt to better articulate these issues.

After the dialogue, there was a networking session. It was great to see past ASC President Wilson da Silva at the networking (who had some ideas about future awards), several Superstars of STEM, and colleagues from across the industry. We had some productive discussions, and I hope that it will translate into a couple of areas being better represented on our membership into the future.

The networking event was also a small chance to farewell Prof. Mark Hutchinson who’s three-year term is coming to an end in three weeks. We welcomed incoming President elect, Prof. Sharath Sriram, as he takes on the role. The ASC is glad to offer our engagement and support into the future.

The Eureka’s with Toby Walsh

Recorded 30 October 2023

Due to technical connection issues, we have had to reschedule this event to 30 October.

Professor Toby Walsh is the 2023 winner of the Celestino Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding Science, and he joins the Australian Science Communicator’s co-President, Dr Tom Carruthers, in conversation about his win, his approach to explaining AI, and everything else.

Toby teaming up with AI (image via UNSW)

The Australian Academy of Science (where Toby is a Fellow) shares how the Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence at UNSW has helped shape the conversation globally on the ethical implementation of AI. He writes regularly for print and online media and has authored several books on AI for general audiences.

Join us to find out more from Toby on his experience in science media, what it feels like being recognised by the Eurekas, and to add the ASC’s warm congratulations for his award.

The event will start with a short conversation with Toby, talking about his approach to public engagement and what’s important to consider when sharing stories about AI. We will then open to cover questions you may have for Toby.

Professor Toby Walsh is a world-renowned authority in artificial intelligence (AI), exploring subjects such as self-driving cars and autonomous weapons. On television, in books and at academic forums he leads conversations about our AI-driven future: what it will look like, how we can prepare and what we should be wary of.

Australia Museum, citation for Prof Tob Walsh, 2023 Celestino Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding Science

Members can register directly here.

Non-members purchase tickets via EventBrite.

2023 Careers Night

Hear from an array of people who might be able to answer the ‘What’s next?’ question that poses many of us. Featuring professionals across a range of careers and career stages, this event will address practical advice and tips for progressing your career.

This will be relevant for students looking to start their professional career in SciComm, as well as those who are well established in their career and/or potentially considering a future role change.

Hosted by ASC Vice President, Jen Martin, hear from:

  • Simon Torok
  • Sonya Pemberton
  • Rachel Nowak
  • Catriona Nguyen-Robertson
  • Belinda Smith

This session started with a panel discussion before jumping into an opportunity to chat directly to the speakers via breakout rooms (not recorded). This event was open to ASC members and non-members.

Speaker profiles

Belinda Smith

Belinda Smith became a science journalist after realising she wasn’t going to cut it as a scientist. Based in Melbourne, she’s currently a science reporter at the ABC. Her work appears on the ABC News website and has featured in the Best Australian Science Writing 2016 and 2018. You can also hear her talking about science on local radio and RN. In her spare time, Bel’s a GPS artist who runs routes in the shape of animals. Find her tweets @sciencebelinda and impressive GPS art on Insta @animalpunruns.

Catriona Nguyen-Robertson

Dr Catriona Nguyen-Robertson sings in the laboratory and contemplates immunology in the shower. She trained as an immunologist and is now an enthusiastic science communicator and educator. You can often catch her singing and dancing on social media and around Museums Victoria as a Learning Facilitator. She also works with the Science Communication Teaching Team (led by A/Prof. Jen Martin!) at The University of Melbourne, where she teaches the next generation of STEM researchers how to their work.

She is the Science Engagement Officer for the Royal Society of Victoria and regularly engages with science outreach programs, such as National Science Week, Skype a Scientist, Pint of Science, and BrainSTEM – sharing science online, on radio, and in schools across Australia and beyond. In addition to her work, Catriona is an advocate for diversity and inclusion in STEM, and received an Out for Australia 30 Under 30 Award in 2022.

Rachel Nowak

Dr Rachel Nowak is a consultant, an advisor, a scientist and a journalist. She has been working in science, technology and innovation on three continents. Her specialities include science journalism, knowledge mobilisation, research and technology assessment, and stakeholder engagement. She has been Washington Bureau Chief and Australasian Editor of New Scientist magazine. She was Director of Research Marketing and Communications at the University of Melbourne. She founded the social-good brain tech start-up The Brain Dialogue.

Rachel did her PhD in agricultural science at the University of Leeds. She studied writing, alongside poets and novelists, at The Johns Hopkins University.

Her award-winning science journalism has changed R&D and medical practice, and research law and policy around the world.

Rachel immigrated to Australia on a Distinguished Talent visa for her international record of outstanding achievements in science communication.

Simon Torok

Dr Simon Torok is CEO and Director of Scientell Pty Ltd, a science communication business specialising in environmental and climate change communication.

Simon distils technical information for non-scientific audiences to communicate the importance of science in our lives and its role in understanding the environment. Simon has a Graduate Diploma in Science Communication from the Australian National University, and completed a PhD in climate change science at the University of Melbourne. Simon has managed communication for CSIRO in Australia and for the Tyndall Centre in England. He was editor of the Helix and Scientriffic science magazines, and has published more than 200 newspaper, magazine and scientific journal articles. He has co-authored 20 popular science and climate change books, several of which have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean and Hungarian.

Sonya Pemberton

The incredibly creative Sonya Pemberton is one of Australia’s leading documentary filmmakers; an Emmy Award recipient and record-breaking five-time winner of the prestigious Eureka Prize for Science Journalism.

Did you know that Sonya’s passion is creating quality science documentaries for international audiences? Sonya has written, directed and produced over 70 hours of broadcast documentary, her films winning over 80 international awards. As a writer and director, her films include the critically acclaimed and multi-award-winning feature length specials ‘Cracking COVID’ (ABC), ‘VITAMANIA’ (SBS, ARTE, CuriosityStream) and ‘Jabbed: Love, Fear and Vaccines’ (SBS, ARTE) and ‘Vaccines-Calling the Shots’ (PBS NOVA). Her multi award-winning film ‘Catching Cancer’ (SBS, Nat Geo) was an expose of viruses causing cancer and her film ‘Immortal’ (SBS, Smithsonian), featuring the work of Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn, won the 2012 Emmy award for Outstanding Science. Sonya has also executive-produced many award-winning factual series and one-off programs, including ‘Carbon- the unauthorised biography’ (ABC, CBC, ARTE), ‘Uranium: Twisting The Dragon’s Tail’ (SBS, PBS and ZDF/ARTE), and ‘CRUDE – the incredible journey of oil’ with Dr Richard Smith.

Previously Head of Specialist Factual at ABC Television, Sonya commissioned and managed over three hundred hours of factual television; her understanding of audiences’ desire for smart, accessible television saw ratings rise across the genres.Sonya has been honoured with Australian Health Journalist of the Year in 2011 and 2013, the 2014 Thornett Award for the Promotion of Reason, the Jill Robb Award in 2015, and in 2016 she received the Stanley Hawes Award for contribution to documentary.