There will be plenty to discuss and decide at the upcoming AGM:
- I’m stepping down after three busy one-year terms as president so we have to elect a new national president.
- We will announce the winner of the Unsung Hero of Australian Science Communication for 2012
- Corporate membership is proposed to be tweaked. There is a motion for a constitutional amendment to enable a single Corporate membership to cover more than 10 representatives at a proportionally higher rate. This won’t affect the one vote per Corporate membership. The motion will be issued for discussion very soon.
This year’s AGM will be hosted by ASC’s SE-Queensland branch. The AGM will be at the Ship Inn from 6.00-7.15pm. The Ship Inn is at the corner of Stanley & Sidon Streets, Southbank Parklands, Brisbane.
After the business is over David Ellyard will present his highly entertaining and always fiercely competitive science trivia quiz. There will be prizes.
The AGM is for financial members only and the quiz will be open to all.
We will be circulating the AGM minutes and other papers imminently.
Jesse Shore
ASC President