Well the end of the year is barrelling down upon us. It’s already been a month since the 10th Australian Science Communicators conference wrapped up in Sydney, kindly hosted for us at the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences. We had over 230 registered attendees with over 60 sessions on the program.
Thanks to those who’ve completed the post-conference survey, which is still open. By far the most popular aspects of the conference according to the survey responses were the networking and sharing our sci-com experiences. I know personally I managed to speak to a lot of new people, and it was great to see so many fresh faces as well as old friends.
One of the highlights of the conference for me was hearing from Aunty Joanne Selfe at the opening address, sharing with us the critical role of language in seeing relationships in country. Next year is the UNESCO Year of Indigenous Languages, so it’s a good time now to think about how we might incorporate and celebrate this in our 2019 projects.
What’s next? Well, ASC is what you make of it! If you’ve just joined ASC since the conference, don’t forget about the Facebook Group and email list, which are great for tapping the hive mind. See what your local branch is up to. If it’s not up to much, think about what you’d like to see and how you might make it happen.
Wishing you all a 2019 that brings you moments that lead you to celebrate like a couple of NASA Engineers who just landed a probe on Mars.