ASC-WA held an ASC members-only, free masterclass in the lead up for National Science Week. This masterclass explored case studies, group discussions and handy hints for members to get the most out of their booth and informal engagement strategies in the lead up to and during events like Perth Science Festival.
ASC-WA President Renae Sayers says:
I’m happy to report a valuable session we had on the 27th of July and we’re keen to share the resources for those who could not attend or live stream in.
Attached are the presentations, reports and notes from discussions that explored case studies and handy hints for science communicators to get the most out of your booth and informal engagement strategies in the lead up to and during events for National Science Week (and beyond!).
A huge thank you to our presenters who gave up their time and expertise during this busy period, and our WA members in attendance. It was lovely to catch up over a glass of wine and cheese as always!
- Professor Leonie and Richard Rennie – sharing the outcomes from the evaluation report of ‘World Biotech Tour’ zone at 2016 Perth Science Festival, highlighting visitor impressions from exit surveys after experiencing a range of activities, exhibits and displays.
- Sarah Lau, Communications Manager Dept of Water – Communication pearls of wisdom and getting staff on board for the best booth experience.
- Josh Richards, Mars One candidate and science communicator – sharing his impact metrics from publicity feats and media.
- Carmen Smith, Executive Officer Western Australian Coordinating Committee for National Science Week (WACC)
- Identifying and targeting your audience, outcomes
- Visual and participation hooks, conversation starters
- Common pitfalls and troubleshooting
- Social media pre, during and post event
We wish you all the very best for this exciting time, and look forward to crossing paths with the plethora of phenomenal WA events.
Warm regards,
Download the documents below.
Analysis of the Perth Festival Exit Survey Report Engaging your staff in engagement activities – Sarah Lau Evaluation of the World Biotech Tour JR – Quick & Dirty Social Media Perth Science Festival Impact Report. FINAL Toolkit – for science communicators – Inspiring Australia