This is the official notice of the Australian Science Communicators’ Annual General Meeting, to be held in Brisbane, Queensland, on 27 November 2012.
The AGM is being hosted by the ASC Queensland Branch. The AGM will be followed by a Science Trivia Night, hosted by compere extraordinaire and science all-rounder David Ellyard.
What: Science Trivia Night and National AGM
When: Tuesday 27 November, AGM will run from 6-7pm. Trivia will kick off at 7.30pm
Where: Ship Inn, Southbank
Bookings: Please book your tickets at
ASC members: free (Only currently financial ASC members are eligible to attend the AGM)
Non-members: $10 (Quiz Night only)
Non-member students: $5 (Quiz Night only)
The ASC AGM will run from 6.00-7:15pm and is open to ASC voting members only. The quiz night for all registered participants will begin at 7:30pm sharp in the upstairs function room. Seats are limited so registration is essential.
The seating is 8 people per table. To confirm the members of your table, please email
The AGM is an opportunity for members to hear about the year’s events at the national level, and also to have their say about what should happen in the year to come. It also includes reports from the President and Treasurer.
Members also have the chance to elect a new National President. Proposed agenda items, notices of motion and presidential nominations must be received by Tuesday 20 November 2012 and can be sent to Sarah Lau, National Secretary (
Note that notices of motion require a proposer and a seconder, and nominations for President need to be agreed by the nominee.
Members unable to attend the AGM in person are able to give proxies to other members attending the meeting, or alternatively, send them to Sarah Lau, National Secretary ( before 5.00pm AEDST on Tuesday 27 November 2012. Please indicate in your email any voting instructions you wish to convey.
Proxies must be:
- Given in writing (email is sufficient),
- Notified to the Secretary (even if the proxy is given to someone else), and
- Given with the agreement of the proxy holder.
The following items are current as of 5 November 2012: