How to build your freelance career in science journalism

This event is being run by our friends over at the Science Journalists Association of Australia who have extended an invitation to ASC members to join. We are grateful to the SJAA for this professional development opportunity for our members.

Bianca Nogrady will run two workshops covering everything you need to know to become a successful […]

ASC2024 – Conference Venue Announcement

We are very excited to announce that the Australian Science Communicators 2024 national conference: ASC2024: Support, Connect, Grow will be held at the University of Western Australia!

This is a particularly special conference as we celebrate the 30th year of Australian Science Communicators,  and the first time the national conference has been held in Perth. We […]

Online networking events are starting again in 2024

Our online networking events are starting up again for 2024, with the amazing co-hosts Phil and Claire taking lead to coordinate a series of online opportunities to connect with peers and share knowledge.

Catch up with old friends, make new friends, colleagues and mentors/mentees as ASC national hosts a networking event amongst members.

These monthly events are […]

Informal dinner and/or drinks in Melbourne

Join Sarah and the Science in Public team for casual dinner and/or drinks at the Belgian Beer Cafe in Southbank, Melbourne.

The event is intended to be an informal catchup. Pay your own way: pop by for a drink or stay on for dinner.

The detailsLocation: The Belgian Beer Cafe; 5 Riverside Quay, Southbank, MelbourneWhen: Tuesday, 12 […]

ASC President’s Message, Tom Carruthers

I pen this note a little late after having just returned from a whirlwind personal- and work-weeks that saw me in Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns and then last week, Perth, where I was able to spend some time with Heather Bray at UWA. I was also pleased to be able to fit in a catch […]

An important note from co-president, Jirana Craven

Dear ASC Members,

I am reaching out to share some personal news with implications for the ASC.

I have recently accepted a new position as Events and Projects Coordinator at the Science Teachers Association of Victoria. I am excited about the role as it combines my passion for science, science communication, and event coordination, and a great […]

ASC Co-Presidents’ Message, Jirana Craven and Tom Carruthers

Welcome to 2024. For those lucky to have had a break, we hope it was a restful, safe and rejuvenating one.

Looking forward, we’re both really excited for the year ahead. After our first national committee meeting last month, we are very optimistic about what we will be able to collaboratively achieve this year.

Something we are […]

Researchers behaving badly

This event is being hosted by our friends at the SJAA.

While we have confirmed that the live event is available for ASC members to attend, the recording of the event is likely to be limited to SJAA members only. We recommend registering and attending for the live event if this is of interest to you.

A […]

ASC Co-Presidents’ Message, Jirana Craven and Tom Carruthers

It’s the end of another year. Thank you to all the members for your engagement – we are very excited by what we achieved this year and to see what’s possible moving forward.

We know this SCOPE newsletter is a bit more detailed, so we’ve opted to keep our note brief, letting the below posts provide […]

ASC Student Symposium Presentations

For those who missed the recent student symposium and the insightful and varied talks, the recordings are now available for viewing here.

To see the full list of speakers and a summary of their presentations, please refer to the previous post.